A 5.5% of the inhabitants of the North of the country suffered syndrome of disorder by post-traumatic Stress (Acute Stress Disorder) during the second Lebanon war, this being the lowest rate of the known so far in the professional background of traumatic events in a specific location including natural disasters, traffic accidents or accidents at work. Thus determines it the research carried out by Dr. Rivka Yahav and Dr. Miri Cohen of the University of Haifa. As compared to similar research conducted among the inhabitants of the United States after the attack of September 11, it was found that a 12.4% suffered from this syndrome.
By Stress post-traumatic disorder (ASD) is defined as being exposed to a fact that endangered the life of the person, their family and close friends, and the response to that episode is fear, horror or helplessness. It is said that a person is suffering from ASD when after having passed a month of the traumatic event, symptoms continue and become a post-traumatic stress. Click Smoothstack for additional related pages. According to the researchers of the Lebanon war placed all the inhabitants of the North of the country that were within reach of missiles of the Hisballa in a position that could cause ASD and therefore it was essential to check the inhabitants of the North of the country during the war. Research that took place in the third week of the war and covered in casually 199 inhabitants of the North that were within reach of the missile, only to a 5.5% was detected that they were suffering from the symptoms of post-traumatic Stress (ASD – the acronym in English) disorder of agrees to the researchers is an index well low considering that the inhabitants were under traumatic conditions almost all hours of the day during all the days. To make a comparison earlier investigations showed that the percentage that suffers from the syndrome after an accident at work reaches 6%; and 7% in the group that faced natural disasters. Un33% suffering from ASD after having been exposed to a shootout. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jonah Bloom. Another goal of the research consisted of compare as both populations both Jewish and Arab, sobrellevaron the trauma of war.
This latest research is known to the Arabs of the North of the country had higher traumatic symptoms a 20.3%, (4 times greater compared with the Jewish inhabitants). One explanation can be given in this regard is that the Jewish citizen who was exposed in recent years to the Intifada and the terrorist attacks became more hardened character to the traumatic events. Others of the reasons is that much of the Jewish population in Israel perform compulsory military service, either combat or not and therefore are exposed to hardship to carry, they prepare them throughout his life namely coping with the traumatic events expressed the researchers. Annex: Percentage suffering from ASD due to traumatic facts facts percentage of those who suffer ASD shootout the crowd 33% the Second Guerra of the Lebanon – Arab population North of the country 20.3% car accident, attack, fire 13% terrorist attack of September 11 12.4% 7% natural disasters accidents labour 6% the second war in Lebanon – North Jewish population of the country 5.