THE HALF EDUCATIVE SCHOOL AS OF CULTURAL PURPOSES The school is as the instruction place and as half educative it is as imagines the pedagogia ideological, and as if it organized throughout these years. Check out Jonah Bloom for additional information. It has necessity to elaborate its proper educative strategy and of investiz it num pertaining to school system that, exactly when it is financed by the State, demands its autonomy in face of the society. The society demasiadamente is corrupted to give to the child an education that allows it to become man fully. She is necessary, therefore, to educate the child in the school, closed way that protects it of all the pernicious social influences. (Not to be confused with Jim Rogers!). The school, in this perspective, is defined as half educative and if it commands for cultural purposes. The half pertaining to school after having rejected all the direct relation with the society, consists in independent cultural way, but, is marked of beginning, m important point: the current conception of the half educative school as is not only the possible one.
As effect, the idea of that the school must have an essentially educative vocation is not so evident how much generally it is thought. Historically, the society was not born as half of education substituting itself it, but as place where she was excused an instruction that completed the education received in the society. It is the recovery of the school for a pedagogia of the update and the corruption of the nature human being who transformed the school into this educative way that still today it strengthens itself for being. An essential fact exists there that it deserves some historical explanations: with effect, that the current conception of the school is not only possible the significant one that a rejection of the school that we know would not have to lead obligatorily to a refusal of all form of pertaining to school institution. The school was of beginning instruction place, that is, place of transmission of one to know that it did not have course in the society under form of immediately assimilable.
Thus, the school Greek was not an educative way that aimed at to the formation of the personality of the child in all its aspects. The school was simply this not-specialized place where the master worked. This to know played certain role in the formation of the child, but the essential of the education was received outside from the school, in the family and the society. The education idea was to the one of privileged relation between a child and an adult. Therefore, the vocation of the school in the antiquity was not automatically, educative. The school can be considered, either a place in which the child acquires knowledge and technician who the society can transmit to it directly, either as half of life that she intends to form the personality of the child in all its aspects. It was a specialized domain. Today, the education in common searchs an integral citizen and repleto of ideals with the society, at the moment more just and igualitrio. Here, the education starts to be the initial landmark for the enlargement of the individual. In this context, the education searchs to react against the old parameters, where its essence aimed at only the specialization of the citizen forgetting. But the education moved and moved in the intention to adjust the individual to its more supreme ideals.