Festivals Family

Although death is an inevitable fact, in the majority of cases is is never sufficiently prepared to deal with it, and then overcome the separation from a loved one. Especially because not only is he lost that person physically, but everything that we linked to that person, the role that we were in his life and that, above all, she occupied in ours. In psychology we identify a number of stages in the duel by which tend to spend the majority of the people. You can move from denial the guilt, of the acceptance of the own identification with the deceased person, but what can never be avoided is to feel empty and sad because that loved no longer is on our side. These feelings are growing even more in the time of the end of year celebrations, a family time that has traditionally been defended as a religious celebration and spiritual that everyone must be happy and keep us United. While these issues have been losing gradually with the passage of the years and, above all, with the arrival of new generations population, it is normal to feel some sadness at these festivals, because last moments we live them happy – with those family members or loved ones who are no longer. We feel that the new year celebrations are no longer the same because these people are no longer, but one thing we forget: we can continue living with joy and happiness, if we take them as another moment in our lives, as another season of the year, in which the family meets and in which we are not gifts. During the duel, as therapists recommend that you one of the best ways to overcome the death of a loved one is the accept that that person is no longer physically amongst us, but that does not preclude that, spiritually Yes it still, in our hearts, in our thoughts and in our daily lifestyle. We are sure that we have beautiful grounds so smile every day, and certainly we have no why spend alone the end of year celebrations: family, friends, all they can help us in those moments that we believe difficult.