High Arterial Pressure

One knows that diverse causes exist that originate the acfenos. The acfeno is a symptom that is pronounced in the patients like a humming, whistle or water spurt that patient listening in the absence of a source that produces sound. One says that this symptom is of subjective character, since it only can be heard by suffers that it. But the case of the pulsating acfeno is different. The pulsating acfeno is that one that all we have felt sometimes after to run or of some physical activity that has been debilitating. That sound of our own blood to the rate of the pulse.

This it is a symptom that would have to disappear after some moments, but in the patients who have this pathology, this sensation does not pause and the specialists denominate an objective symptom, since the sound of the pulse is real and can be detected by means of estetoscopio. The causes that produce the pulsating acfeno are centered in the zones you will tilt of the skull. In main lines we could say that they take place by an increase or a diminution of the flow sanguineous in the glasses. In the case of having a venous origin, pseudo cerebral tumor (syndrome that produces increase in the intracranial pressure) usually is its common cause but. The studies have demonstrated that this pathology appears in greater percentage in women majors of 50 years that undergo some degree of obesity. On the other hand, the sclerosis of the carotid is the common cause but of the pathologies of arterial origin.

This more occurs in people majors of 50 years with cardiac antecedents of high arterial pressure and other pathologies. These can be some of the causes hidden behind the pulsating acfeno, but the good news is that all has treatments that have tried to be very effective. If you would like to know more then you should visit Mike Gianoni. For that reason an urgent consultation with your specialist is fundamental to determine the treatment to follow. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always. If you want to read as I personally managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, you do Click Here.