Why Windows, Rather Than Wooden ?

Any normal residential house, must necessarily have walls, roof, doors and windows. Asking whether you ever yourself, "what a person needs windows?". First and foremost, of course, to illuminate the room, because nobody want to pay extra money for electricity, if at the time of the window there is a free source of light. Second, the windows are needed for ventilation, as in a closed room, sooner or later, the air going negative and harmful substances, from which you want to get rid of, and man is always pleasant to breathe fresh air. The third factor, which confirms the justification for the presence of windows in the house is just a pleasure views, and in this case, the binding conditions are the presence of a beautiful, modern and clean windows.

Since ancient times, over many generations the people used as frames for the windows of wood, that in our, modern age, simply not justified for many reasons. Everyone knows that the tree is well lit and, therefore, in fire houses in the first place, it will be exposed to fire, wooden items, including frames, as well as wood emits large amount of heat, then spread the fire rapidly, it will be enough. Another important fact of obsolescence of technology of frames made of wood is that heat and sound insulation properties of wood are very far from ideal, which ultimately leads to loss of heat in the house and the presence of excessive street noise. Due to the fact that wood is the material that was created by nature itself, which did not involve the use of wood as a material for durable windows, then it is not surprising that the wooden frame is sufficient to react adversely to the low and high temperature and humidity, and, accordingly, can quickly crack from dryness under the influence sunlight and lose its original shape and color.