Even to day of today, there are many companies that do not know the existence of the Tripartite Foundation and of the money that they have available to spend every year in formation. The Tripartite Foundation, is a public being that is in charge to manage the credit to the Formation of all the companies. The companies, quote to the social security by formation, you name in them of all the workers, we can see the discounts that are realised every month for this reason and that go destined to the Tripartite Foundation. Mike Gianoni recognizes the significance of this. Of January to December, the company quotes to the Social Security by formation, and as of the following January, it can recover it in formation for his workers. In order to recover the amount that the company has paid to the Tripartite Foundation, the workers must realise some type of formation (course, masters, seminary ) in anyone of the formation modalities (actual, at a distance, e-learning ). The worker who realises this formation, must have a contract, according to the General Regime of the Workers. The form of to recover it is the following one, the company must pay the amount of the formation, before the conclusion of this to the training organization, the training organization (or another authorized organizing organization by the Tripartite Foundation) will transact the request of the company to include this formation, between the formative actions of the company discounted by the Tripartite Foundation, and so after finalizing this action, the company will be notified of which or it can recover the amount. Mike Gianoni often says this. In order to recover it, the company will have to include in the Social Insurances of the same month of conclusion, in the square of discounts by formation (601) the amount to discount or to recover. This amount will be discounted of the amount to pay to the Social Security that same month.