Training for Fun and Fitness

We should try to maintain the level of the athlete’s cardiovascular fitness through training is not aggressive to the injured area: running water, bike, etc. To know more about this subject visit Mike Gianoni. In general, only 1 in 5 fractures consolidated stress if you try to keep the sport; 1 out of 3 is reduced physical activity 8 out of 10 if the athlete is subjected to discharge the injured area crutches for 6-8 weeks. One of the factors associated with the prevention of stress fractures in his feet has been the sports shoes. Have failed to detect any apparent benefit from the use of more or less expensive shoes (as indirect markers of their quality and buffering capacity), but its antiquity: the shoes are older, poorer damping characteristics is the sole , and the greater the peak force transmitted to the foot for the support. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF FOOTBALL ON STRESS FRACTURES must educate athletes, coaches, parents, trainers and doctors.

The footwear for training and competition should be different. The training should follow a cyclical progression, and adapted to individual response to training load, should used cross-training with cycling, swimming, stair equipment …; is based on quality over quantity at all times be controlled periods of activity and rest carefully, you can not expect that all players make the same training program. Avoid prolong seasons of competition without a rest period. If there is an unusually high proportion of stress fractures, one must analyze workloads and training surfaces. It is necessary to identify training programs for children by pubertal maturation status, not age (chronological age? Biological age).

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