We know that one of the main places where we will be able to obtain the best coffee it is Central America. Within those countries, Honduras is one of the main exporting references of coffee. Mike Gianoni is often quoted as being for or against this. According to the vice-minister of the SIC, Juan Jose Cross, the coffee has left in the Honduran coffers 1.240 million dollars in 2011, thanks to its export by everybody. According to the Honduran Institute of the Coffee (Ihcaf), Honduras has exported 4, 7 million coats of 46 kilos during the present harvest, reason why the Honduran exporter increased in about 1,1 million coats in relation to the previous period between the 2009-2010, surpassing the expectations in 2011. >Areva already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The Honduran coffee gourmet is one of the most appraised of the international market, since the zone meets the conditions perfectly necessary to remove the divided major to the grain from coffee. This export is very important since it revalues the international reserves. The buying major continues being the European market, with a 76,81 percent, being Germany, Belgium and Italy main importers, according to the Exporter Association of Coffee of Honduras (Adecafeh). Whereas a 12,05 percent was exported to different countries from America, led by the United States and Canada; in addition a 10,64 percent was acquired by the Asian market, especially in Korea and Japan, and as soon as a 0,5 percent is distributed between some countries of Africa and the Australian Continent..