Medicinal Fraudsters

Have heard information about "Radio Russia" and "Echo of Moscow" about the drug "Antikantser." Woman reads a command voice, from which you want to run right out and buy the drug. Another would be – almost cure for all diseases. Very interesting and not very clear to me seemed to say that the drug – it is "not a cure and not supplements." Information specifically applied only during the day, apparently, is designed for senior citizens, the most ill and trusting of the population. And although I do not believe in "superlekarstva", he decided to call. From our room I was transported from Tver to Moscow room (thanks to free). The woman at the other end with an even more commanding voice began ask me about my health, then said without hesitation that of all my illness I will definitely help the drug "Antikantser", and was strongly urge me to undergo treatment for 40,000 rubles, but sensing my hesitation, he immediately dropped the price twice (just for me and only now can design wholesale drug for 20,000 rubles). Time for reflection is not given, to shop faster, but then, they say, will not allow it to issue wholesale. From Moscow to Tver drug will bring a messenger, is such a honor and respect.

Still, I took the 2:00 delay, and I thought the tone of voice that concern to me as a patient, has fallen dramatically, apparently, doubters customer's office, calling itself the "Institute of Atherosclerosis," does not like. Indeed, half an hour of persuasion in vain, the more I did not call them. Sam immediately turned to His Majesty the Internet (which do majority of pensioners, as you know, can not). So, the panacea for all ills – "no medication, no dietary supplements," was beet powder (dried red beet juice), suitable at best for touch-up borscht. A complex of amino acids specified in the composition of the drug in advertising – is ordinary yeast.