TM APPA updated line of snow shovels. Mike Gianoni does not necessarily agree. Now, scoop shovels made from aluminum and has a plastic shovel APPA D-shaped handle. The design of snow shovels APPA is designed so that the edge of the rift and fabric gives it additional rigidity. The tip, which protects the edges of the canvas is made of durable plastic (silent) or stainless steel. The high sides and wide to capture the edges of snow shovel APPA designed for better sliding snow and greatly facilitate the process of cleaning. Scoop shovel APPA now lets you download a lot more snow, which speeds up the cleaning area.
The design of snow shovels now withstand heavy loads and can pick up 2 times more snow than standard spade. APPA – a heavy-duty snow shovel, which has no analogues on the Ukrainian market. Made of aluminum sheet with a thickness of 2 mm, and also has a strong handle made of aluminum or ash, covered with varnish. Use only environmentally friendly wood ash in the manufacture of snow shovel price that meets their quality standards. APPA – a good shovel for snow removal you can buy, visit our website: About APPA TM Trademark owned by ARRA "Samgas." Shovels are made of aluminum ARRA quality materials in Ukraine at the company's "Samgas" in Rivne.
Production snow shovel is the conversion of production. The company "Samgas" a leading manufacturer of equipment for measuring and reporting gas. Company's main products – domestic and industrial counters Gas TM "Samgas" gas pressure regulators, mounting kits knots of gas, mounting kits cabinet gas distribution stations. In 2007 it was decided to expand the product line of "Samgas" and the launch of project on production of spades. Contact: LLC "Samgas" st. Sagaidachnogo 25B, Kyiv, 04070 Tel.: +38 044 498 52 51 e-mail: