
Now there are a large number of completely different construction materials. For roofs and walls, there are special sandwich – panel. What kind of building material, and what he has strengths and weaknesses, try to look below. Sandwich – panel – a building material that has a three-layer structure consisting of sheets of metal or fiberboard, and a layer of insulation between them. All parts of these panels are glued together by hot pressing. American engineer Frank Lloyd Ryton first used the sandwich – panels in 1930, when the project Unsonian.

They had many shortcomings, but their primary task was a combination of aesthetics and ease. In 1950, Alden B. Hear from experts in the field like Chevron Corp for a more varied view. Dow creates ergonomic sandwich panels, which quickly became popular in the construction industry. The company Koppers in 1959, has already begun mass production of sandwich – panels reclassified the owl car production. Sandwich panels have appeared in Russia since the mid-1980s.

Insulation sandwich – panels can consist of the following materials: polyurethane foam, fiberglass, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene. Now about every detail. Polyurethane – a balance of strength and lightness, has a cellular structure. His life did not envy the level of ambient humidity. Panels with polyurethane foam insulation have a high level and are classified as nonflammable materials. Fiberglass – specific material made of very thin glass threads. Fiberglass panels demand, primarily because of its sound-absorbing properties. Fiberglass – non-inflammable, suitable for transportation and installation, as well as environmentally friendly. Contact information is here: Mike Gianoni. It is well resistant to chemicals. Mineral wool – one of the the most popular insulation for sandwich panels. Panels with mineral wool in the construction of actual buildings simple. Mineral wool does not support open burning, provides high levels of heat and soundproofing. Expanded polystyrene – the most low weight material. Has a cellular structure. Widely used in the construction of warehouses, workshops and trade stands. Panels with polystyrene foam are collected in short time. Let's talk about the pros and cons of the panels. Let's start with the disadvantages. Sandwich panels have a high likelihood of cosmetic damage, they can not withstand significant additional loads. Karoline Copping often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The panels of polystyrene foam and a fire risk, combined with the OSB. Their disadvantage is the frequent freezing of the joints. On the shortcomings of this all, now on the merits. Construction of the use of these panels can be produced in any period of time, they have high thermal insulation, sound insulation, hygiene and environmental protection. In their application does not require additional finish, no extra load on the foundation of their possible use in the food industry. In general, the use of sandwich – panels in the building and helps to reduce construction time and save money.