
It is so small already caught new belly of. Restaurant Michael Schwartz recognizes the significance of this. Mainha, is with it only a little is so small. Only during my forty days. You the difficult. He is mainha The forty days finished and netinha was.

The parents had not imported themselves very. Other children had come. thus the years had been passing, passing and it being, not wanting to come back toward the mother who almost did not know. To change the certainty for the doubtful? It felt fear alone in thinking. Much fear in having that to come back toward a place that never was its After all, what it happened was not its guilt, and this it did not understand, did not want, did not need to understand. They had left if it They left that it. mages&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwjI8pfao9LsAhVL-4UKHcAXA7cQr4kDegQIARBv’>Evan Metropoulos. Ready E. It was happy.

Money? It was so little, badly gave to eat. To never buy clothes. To study then It was so difficult and man thing, according to its voinho But it dreamed, left its untied thought to the wind and it she went far It went for a so pretty world, a world that it dreamed to conquer. Working. But one day, orphan, abandoned one more time felt itself. Vmainha left> continued to live with vpainho and the uncle, always the child. It did not want to leave them alone. It did not want that it was itself. What they would make without it? He was cmodo for that it was. Somebody would have that to take care of of, two while the others However the others. It would be and ready. The load would be of it. After all it did not say that it was its vpainho? More than father, more than grandfather. Then That food badly made.


CROSSBOW FERA They say that the Bible says that in the end of the times it goes to appear the crossbow fera. It is a fierce animal that goes to destroy all the men. Nobody it goes to be able to fight against it, therefore whose it goes to have an uncommon force. All those that to fight against it, they will be destroyed. Exactly God will only have superior force it.

This type of thing falls well in the head of some sertanejos poor persons the coitados ones start to believe this piously. the poor persons die of fear of the such crossbow fera. It happens that they never turn the thing, nor have ideas of as it is. Antonino was a poor person sertanejo. It had short memory and it believed in everything what the friends spoke. On the crossbow fera then nor if commented. It was one God he rescues in them. The poor person if arrepiava all and died of fear.

Not wise person to read, that she got worse still more the things. Antonino never is to a city. There for 1930 return the progress was not still so accented. One day it had that to go to a city to make a purchase. He did not have nobody to go, much less to go with it. The young man left alone with the information supplied for the friends. It was, but always of eye not to find the crossbow fera. Jonah Bloom will undoubtedly add to your understanding. He walked for that one estradona very pretty. He had much pretty thing. Everything was different there. Houses of a side and another one and that road in the way. So that road so wide? people did not need a so wide way thus. But, she did not import herself with that is continued walking.


In a forest of bamboos with one twenty meters a mortal silence hangs in air, eyes focuses far to its objective. A weak, enemy wind and friend, cadencialmente blew in this hour playing the leves of a side for the other that beat insistently in its eyes. A strong odor of its victim emanated in air. With short and quiet movements that one stimulated all ‘ ‘ machine of matar’ ‘ for front rente to arenaceous alone one. With a great muscular mass distributed in a perfect set, articulated well, it became ‘ ‘ machine perfeita’ ‘ , for being with the body all rente to the ground it demanded of its superior and inferior members a bigger effort for the displacement. Breath canalized for the great explosion. Its head that was almost all rente to the ground made with that its breath raised a small dust in the air that, of time in how much, it embarrassed its eyes. -with-mild-or-moderat/’>Wendy Holman.

Hearing, so perfect, caught each passes, each movement, each stroke of the heart of its victims. Nothing it escaped, nor the minimum movement of a small rock that rolled of one ribanceira. All to this transforms it set into one ‘ ‘ machine of matar’ ‘ perfect and implacable. There thus, it observes stop its victim, tranquila, to look at lost in the foliages of the forest of bamboos to balance in the cadence of the wind without imagining its possible future. Thin body, long legs, an almost perfect hearing, to look in alert to all the movements, perfect olfato. In this mortal picture, sanguinria headquarters take its all summon and in second. A great adrenalin explosion if makes gift at this moment. Hunting and hunter, coadjuvantes of a world of living or die.

Opened field, alone arenaceous full of intemperismos, factors that the hunting abilities of or hunter for the culminncia of the picture had decided in. Storms if form. Explosions of movements. Cutting speeds that open air to the way. Plants, capins jammed. Strong breaths. Gone off hearts. Adrenalin in its maximum degree. Hunter if plays in final race. Hunting in survival explosion uses its last forces for the survival. Escape. Long jumps. Long flights. Obstacles, friend and enemy, coadjuvante for the great end. Games of the life. Diverse ends. It is the life of the life or to die. In questions of seconds ‘ ‘ BUM’ ‘ everything finishes.

Publishing Company Novitas

Clement he was nervous, it would be the first lunch that would make to receive the married mother after and nothing it could give wrong. Before the eight of the morning Paula, its wife woke up, who after to complain due to have that to leave the bed so early in the sunday she raised and he was direct it kitchen to prepare the lunch, nothing could give wrong. Paula chose to make one moqueca of siri, its specialty. Clement it was not very comfortable with the choice of the woman for not knowing if it would be of the taste of the mother, but it finished for agreeing after the long communication made for Paula saying that it would be a delight. D. Gertrudes, the mother of Clement, arrived promptly at the half day. One sat down in the room and it was to observe all the details and already she was being bothered with the delay of the daughter-in-law to come to give the good comings to it.

Clement! Where it is that she is its woman who so far did not come to speak with me? The son tried to calm the mother saying that the woman was finishing the lunch, but you are welcome advanced D. Gertrudes more still remained opposed with the delay of the daughter-in-law and with the delay of lunch, after all had marked to the half day and it arrived in the hour. , Finally after long forty minutes of wait, Paula a great crosspiece that fumegava and exhaled one smells good, however not identified by D. Gertrudes appeared in the room loading that no matter how hard it was appreciating, same without knowing what it was, made question not to demonstrate. The three had seated the table and the climate was ameno and relaxed, although the bad mood of D.