Make knowledge from your data and gain important information. There are many software for business intelligence, however it tells you only how it looks on you. How internal processes are structured and how can they optimize. This works even more often, but there are still two problems: 1 business intelligence software costs a lot of money and makes sense from a certain company size and 2 business intelligence software tells you what your customers want or do not want to and that would be crucial to the success of your retail. h. Always remember: knowledge is power! The advantages of the ServiceTabs basic #1: measure what advertising your customer sees. Which advertising channels make sense for you and which advertising is just not relevant to my clients, or does not arrive.
If you know that you can much money, save time and energy. Streamline your Werbebuget with the ServiceTab. #2: is customer satisfaction a word that says everything and nothing now. Prevent this and show your customers how genuine customer service looks. Ask the customers using the ServiceTabs, whether they are satisfied and were or not and immediately receive feedback – also from customers who are angry and not dare to tell you directly in the face. Easy and simple. #3: in times of sensory overload by advertising is very valuable a recommendation and everything should be done for a recommendation. The most referrals occur when a customer has experienced very positive service.
Use this fact, for themselves and you deliver your customers excellent service, then he will tell a love to his friends. You know, Basic #4:, if your campaign is successful, and whether it makes sense? Like the campaign to your customers, or they come too easy, because the location of the store is so good, or because the customer service is simply mind-boggling? Find out what motivates your customers. Why waste any more time with pointless bells and whistles. Want your customers find out what and give it to them. Check out Mike Gianoni for additional information. Customer satisfaction and service atmosphere is in times of ever increasingly larger and more powerful Internet trading very important and should not be underestimated. Focus on what you do best – service! Because that is the only thing that differentiates you. Stop the service desert Germany. Quality or price leader price guide can not be, because rent and wages must be paid, but at the same time, the customer base is not easily scalable, as with an online trading. Therefore the quality leadership remains only and you must expand accordingly and also communicate your customers. You are the professional for the solving of a problem – in the Internet, the customer receives only goods, not more and not less. No advice, no honest opinion, no shopping, simply just slightly cheaper. Christian Ehrmann