Taxation Of Real Estate Transactions

One of the issues most frequently encountered in the design of real estate transactions, is the question of taxation. Indeed, with the introduction of 1 January 2000 control of major expenditure of citizens has raised some fears in total control by the tax authorities income citizens. But is there any fear of meeting with the tax authorities? Under current law, all funds received during the citizen year from any source, is its total revenue (excluding payments wearing social nature) and, accordingly, are taxable. Everyone knows that a January 1, 2001 came into effect the second part of the Tax Code, but not all, represent what changes will present this document, in particular, property owners. Immediately it should be noted that no new taxes in the Tax Code does not appear to have changed only rates acting. Since income tax is set at 13%. Allowance for sellers and buyers of real estate (the residue from the tax base) remains.

If a person sells an apartment, worth up to 1milliona rubles, no he does not pay tax (before it amounted to 417 thousand 450 rubles). And if the apartment was owned by more than 5 years, the tax will be charged regardless of the amount specified in the contract of sale. But if the apartment belongs to several owners, the law allows you to distribute between the amount of tax deduction, ie, If the apartment is selling two or three owners, then 1 million, respectively, divided into two or three. For buyers and Developers are still valid exemption on exemption from income tax.

State Housing Policies

Formula: 'Our house – we take care of it', simply and clearly expresses the state housing policy, providing for a phased transition to monoecious tavarischestvam as a genuine institution of self-owners. That the same a hoa? This organization, in Ktorov you and your neighbors – the most important people. To create a homeowners' consent is necessary half of the apartment owners of your home. Only in this case, all residents become members of the partnership. The principle of majority vote is required for all.

This basic rule of the partnership. How does this mechanism, it is easy to understand with specific examples. Lakshman Achuthan has similar goals. From this article you'll learn about those someone had the sense, strength and desire to take into their own hands the solution of housing problems. All in your hands. Residents of the nine homes, towering near the metro station 'Dynamo' lucky. Among them was a man who was able to 'clean up' to business hands all residential building with all its 'guts'. This man Ludmila Gavrilovna Grebennikov, now chairman of the board on a voluntary basis monoecious hoa.

From morning to night she is engaged technical economic and financial affairs at home and at the same time makes no claim to tenants who for various reasons, limited to timely payment. What also made her become the initiator of 'divorce', ie separation from the vast hoa? How did it start? – Exit sotava multihomed hoa simply matured – says Lyudmila Gavrilovna. – Maintaining a home, its maintenance has never been neglected, and its technical condition deteriorated to deplorable.

Renting Apartments in Minsk

Life often throws us unexpected surprises. The probability that the property will be the second living area, large, it can be inherited, or property, earned by honest labor, or does the gain in lottery. No matter how it turned out that there is another apartment in Minsk or Brest, it is important to do with it. Many will say that the apartment must be sold and thus earn money, but there are other options to make money through apartment in Minsk, of course, is to rent an apartment and long-term lease. Rental apartments developed by leaps and bounds, shall apartments in Minsk and other Belarusian cities, a variety of options on the market real estate, something most in demand, something less popular.

Many factors affect prices, demand, offer of lease of apartments in Minsk. Thus, having the opportunity, deciding to become a party to the rental market, need to know the basic rules and the factors that will affect your profits. Of course, relatively inexpensive and comfortable housing in greatest demand. Similar offers in the market are rare, because the rent in this case occurs very rapidly and, as a rule, the long term. The larger size of the apartment, the higher the price, and therefore offer larger apartments (three, four rooms) times higher than demand, in this case the rent of apartments in Minsk becomes difficult for the landlord. Important effect on demand provided the location of apartments in Minsk, the closer it is located to downtown, the higher the demand and price respectively, higher profit landlord. Apartments located in the heart of the city, it is recommended to take short-term rental. Attract customers, tenants, will help comfort and interior design apartments.

Of course, in the apartments of economy-class no one talks about the amenities, such times shall be entirely without furniture is mostly persuasive factor is the price. If you own a typical one-, two-room apartment in Minsk something good repair, the availability of household appliances and furniture will help attract tenants. Most attractive to many customers are options with washing machines, connected services online. All sorts facilities will not only help to quickly find clients, but also raise the cost of renting an apartment. Seasonality also affects demand and cost of rental housing. The sharp increase in demand occurs in the autumn, ending time of holidays and holidays, people come to work, study, respectively, during this period, a sharp increase in rental prices. New Year, also accompanied by an increase in rental rates, particularly observed in the market of short-term rental apartments. Many cities can boast of its rich history, cultural heritage, respectively, want to go see the sights from all sides, so at a time when the city filled tourists, the demand and, of course, the price of rent increase, a similar situation occurs resort towns, apartments for rent brings big profit. Rent apartments in Minsk, it is primarily business, as is well known, in any business there is competition. It is therefore important to monitor to make efforts so that your version of the lease was competitive, it is necessary to try to improve the quality of the apartment, to equip it. Certainly willing to rent a house and lot number growing, but growing and the number of proposals and, consequently, improves the quality of apartments rented.