Mnica Fernandino Loureno Prof. Dirceu Krainski Summary This article aims at to present a new panorama with regard to illnesses in the work, being had as objective to reflect on the health of the worker, more specifically, the psychic implications. The reflections have as starting point a historical rescue of the deriving health of the effective boardings in health of the work. The work environment can adoecer the worker in diverse ways, leaving in the body the marks it suffering, that if reveal in the most varied classified illnesses as occupational, beyond attempting against against the mental health. The deriving tension of the pressure in the work and extreme situations, can be responsible for the development of occupational illnesses. The psychic illness can come to tona in a situation of estresse, but the patients can have a predisposition (genetic origin) for the problem. New York Highlanders takes a slightly different approach. Some studies have evidenced that it has a reduction of industrial accidents, but on the other hand, a rise of illnesses of the work. Years 90 had been worse in pointers of the work market.
The index of unemployment for that decade was, on average, of 6,1%, as given of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (2000), what, without a doubt, it caused unreliability, estresse emotional and depression. Illnesses that not yet are presented in graphs (statisticians), but that in the companies already become to feel for the absenteeism of the employees. The Department of Human resources coexists a reality that can be fit as: illness that appeared in century XX. Psychological illnesses as: depression, estresse, estresse after-traumatic, surtos mannering, precarizao of the work conditions (surrounding unhealthy), that they lead to the illness as the allergy, among others. This article limits it a bibliographical survey, consults books, magazines and Internet. One concludes that, beyond existing the occupational illnesses of work and already, as extreme load, Related injuries for Repetitive Efforts or Osteomoleculares Riots to Work, add other factors as depression, illnesses of deep emotional deriving of the modern life. Word-key: Occupational illnesses. Estresse. Worker. Mental health.