Valve Materials

The most common materials for the manufacture of valves are cast iron, various grades of steel, some non-ferrous metals and their alloys, as well as plastics. That, at any pressure, temperature, as well as in what media is applicable or that the product is often dependent on the material of the shell and the details of reinforcement. For the operation of valves in special conditions (at very high or cryogenic temperatures, at very high steam parameters, in corrosive and aggressive media) are used, corrosive and heat-resistant cast iron, alloy and high steel and non-metallic materials (Teflon-4 and vinyl liner). In addition, using various protective coatings. More info: Mike Gianoni. For example, diaphragm valves, intended for use in hostile environments at temperatures ranging from minus 20 to plus 90 degrees and the nominal pressure up to 0.6 megapascals made from the following materials: body – made of cast iron, the membrane – in acid condition, and the inner surface of the shell and flange sealing surfaces are covered with enamel corrosion. Material of manufacture is usually indicated in the index order products and denoted by the letters following the first number in the index. The index valve letter 'VAW' indicate that the product is made of stainless steel. Angus King is full of insight into the issues. When choice of reinforcement is important to note that when, for example, higher temperatures, the mechanical properties of materials deteriorate, and therefore the higher the temperature of the working environment, the less can be conditional pressure to which apply the product. Applicability always regulated in the state standards and specifications and should be considered at the design stage pipeline. In addition, it is important to be guided economic viability, and therefore it is better to buy a product from the supplier, capable of rendering competent advice.

Rooftops Design

Fans Many manufacturers offer single or double fans and if you want low-profile unit, twin fans. Supply fan – this is a rotor, located outside the premises, which pushes air into the inlet of the device. This allows you to direct air flow in the desired direction. But in this case there is one drawback, you have to use the single-fan, the possibilities is limited. Also, there is one drawback – the loss of power, but nevertheless, thanks to the convenience and space saving benefits can be greater than the disadvantages. One-and dvuhstenochnye design air device can be either single-wall and dvustenochnye. The newspapers mentioned Henry Cornell not as a source, but as a related topic.

Single-wall unit is lighter in weight and cheaper dvustenochnye devices have a more robust protective insulation. The inner layer of the metal enclosure often has perforations (holes) to reduce noise. Dvustenochnye devices are more powerful and durable, but they are heavier and more expensive. Modular and all-metal design There are two basic designs rooftops: frame-and-metal panel. Modular construction has an internal metal frame and exterior sheet metal, attached to the frame and form a corpus. Henry Cornell describes an additional similar source. This design is durable, but requires great cost and effort to manufacture and therefore not popular with manufacturers. In panel devices, pre-fabricated exterior panels are fastened together with bolts at the edges, forming a cabinet. These devices are already used long ago.

Many manufacturers prefer this design because of the convenience and ease of assembly. But nonetheless, even though a panel design is more simple, Frame-panel design is less prone to damage and corrosion, and therefore last longer. Seals doors, ramps device, gutters and drainage trays order to prolong the life of device you have to prevent the water inside it. To this end, we recommend that you use reliable, and good insulating flap door for access to the device, the upper portion of the device must have a slope drain gutter above the door and drain pan made of stainless steel. Free space for the pipes in the room to install the device must provide space for the pipes leading from the bottom of the device. This will reduce the possibility of leaking rooftops and avoid costly repairs to the roof. The availability of free space necessary for the control and regulating devices, and pneumatic pipelines, so as not to expose them to sunlight, which prolongs the life of these devices.


Tiller – light agricultural vehicles, designed for soil cutters, c ability to use attachments. Performance of any model (area treated area per unit time) depends on the engine capacity of the cultivator and the widths of working bodies. Cultivator is designed primarily for the cultivation of land. Ability to install additional attachments secondary function. If you have a small area and easy to work the land, it makes no sense to apply a heavy cultivator Kiev. To handle up to 10 hectare territory appropriate to apply a light cultivator to a site 10 – 50 ares – the average, while in If the site area exceeds 50 hectare – a heavy mower. Cultivators can be conditionally divided into three groups depending on the power and weight.

The first group consists of lightweight tillers (mini cultivators) equipped with motors to 4 hp, weighing 30 kg. They loosens the soil to 18 cm Small weight and small width carry them quite comfortable to use on small sites. Most of these models without reversing. Examples: * Pubert mb 31 H * Solo 502 * Husqvarna t400 not purchase minikultivatory for treatment of large areas or areas with heavy clay soil. Otherwise, you will find a huge disappointment. Manufacturers do not lay in the engines of these cultivators Long lifespan. Of large loads quickly work well together worm gear, which they, in most cases are completed. Finally, the low weight does not allow mini cultivator immersed in clay soil, probably your precious unit will jump to the site as a hare.

The second group. It includes a mass of cultivators 35 – 60 kg and a capacity of 5 – 7 hp Differing from the mini cultivators, sex pros more stable and have a greater width. Due to the greater weight with their help you can loosen the soil to 30 cm Examples: * Pubert eco 1950 SC2 * Solo 503RHX * Husqvarna T85RS * Tarpan cultivator width cutter with medium cultivators many times greater than that of light, but this advantage becomes a disadvantage when working in confined small areas and narrow row spacing. Be careful when choosing a cultivator of this group. Pay attention to the brand of the engine, which comes with the model. With equal power motors may differ significantly resource. In the third group are professional models with a reinforced gearbox and the frame. These cultivators, in most cases, have the gear to be able to pull the trailer and more serious attachments than their smaller counterparts. Their mass is greater than 70 kg and more power 5.5 hp Examples: * Husqvarna CRT81 * Husqvarna T860HX * Pubert Junior 60H

Pallet Truck

Pallet truck – is an essential technique for moving goods or goods in warehouses or in the store. Convenient hydraulic truck to help in the work of support staff. Using hydraulic truck to transport goods in the warehouse can reduce the physical cost, which in turn increases the productivity of the manufacturing process. Pallet trucks are easy to operation and relatively low cost. The device is a hydraulic truck is a fork of special design, which by means of levers and rods are connected to the hydraulic unit, which provides function recovery. Hydropower has two wheels and a heavy-set on a platform with service bearing. Forks are often equipped with small podkatnymi rollers for easy installation under a pallet truck, under the viloy each carriage is the main rollers are usually paired.

Pallet Trucks, like any hand trucks, acquire from the parameters of most vehicles (2-2,5 tons) and external dimensions (Height, length, fork width and spacing), on which depends the possibility of moving pallets of any kind. Total, together with standard options include a variety of modifications of pallet trucks, a couple of them will be discussed below. Depending on what floor in the storeroom, you can select pallet trucks with the wheels of a certain material. The wheels are nylon, polyurethane, or vulkalanovye metal. The steering wheel can be made of nylon, polyurethane, vulkalana, metal or rubber. In rooms with hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, or wood, you need to buy hydraulic trolleys nylon, polyurethane and vulkalanovymi wheels. To move on the surface, which can be damaged you must use polyurethane wheels or vulkalanovye, and to work in hot shops should be Use only metal wheels. Depending on the flatness of the surface on which to move pallet truck, it must be staffed with the appropriate number of forklift wheels. If surface rather smooth, with no obstacles such as nut, pits set into the floor rails, etc. flaws, it is possible to use single fork wheel, otherwise you must use double Forklift wheels.

Disinfectants: Types And Styles

On the market today are well represented various disinfectants, which have distinct characteristics and scope. Disinfectants are divided into different types depending from the use, pennosti, kind of active substance and its concentration as well as many other parameters. The active ingredient is the one element that provides a means of disinfecting effect, the rest ingredients in its composition are complementary. The most common disinfectants based on chlorine, quaternary ammonium compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, peroxides. They differ on the specifics effect on work surface. One of the most effective disinfectants are based on quaternary ammonium compounds.

However, they are quite aggressive, and safely used only as a Technical disinfectants. If such substances are used in areas such as food, they should be thoroughly rinsed from the surfaces, or hazardous to human health connections can get into the food. Hloraktivnye disinfectants are common, perhaps the most widely used. They have good performance indicators: bactericidal, virucidal, sporocide action. In addition, such funds are usually inexpensive and accessible. However, they are not very long shelf life and can have devastating effects on the work surface (corrode metal.) Disinfectants agents with the basis of aldehydes are good from the standpoint of environmental safety. They dissolve easily with water and do not damage the surface. In general, the level of effectiveness of all disinfectants, regardless of the active substance can be divided into "tsidnye" and "static".

The first kill bacteria (bactericidal), spores (sporocide), etc. In this case, the treated surface becomes completely safe. New microorganisms can come only from the external environment. Second suspend growth and development of bacteria (bacteriostatic) but do not destroy them. After sanitizer rinse, they resume their livelihoods.