
People always seek to enjoy succulent meals, where different ingredients are excellent complements to give life to a delicious dish; between each of these components one of the most pleasant meals is the ham, which thanks to its pleasant taste and so many options with which you can accompany this tasty meal is presented as an inevitable point in the dish of many people in the world. Before a food so delicious and so present in the table for many people, it is suited to learn a little more about the ham; so ham is also known as anca, thigh or leg; When using any of these terms is this referring to a general group of meat, which is obtained from the hind legs of pigs, which after being taken from the animal must undergo a salted raw and after this is cured in a natural way. Something that is of great importance in order to obtain a very good ham, is that to consume a tasty and delicious dish of this excellent meal, first had to have given an adequate in terms of the growth process the pig from which the ham is obtained, i.e. that the animal has had adequate food in life and to not submit infections or diseases; Besides this, another point of great importance as regards the obtaining of ham from pigs, is the age at which is sacrificed and the processes of training which was passing the pig, since these 2 factors determine the quality of the ham that is obtained, to the extent that if they increase the factors mentioned above en la medida en que si aumentan los factores antes mencionados dara it will give way to the increased presence of Red fiberswhich brings the disappearance of white fibers as a side effect. This can be understood that the treatment and care of the pig is determinant in flavor, color and odor that can have something so delicious as is the ham. Speaking of the ham must be in mind that this product of swine production, is divided into 2 large main groups, including this Spanish ham on one side and Italian prosciutto occurring the rearing of pigs, on the other hand, longer in every country in the world have their own type Ham, however the most famous and important are the 2 groups mentioned above.

A point of great importance in terms of the ham, is to distinguish different parts that you can get back legs for the consumption of the ham. -The Mace: this is the part of the ham that represents most fat, this piece can be large chunks of ham. Contact information is here: Mike Gianoni. -The contrataza: requires a higher curing process, presents a greater consistency. -Tip: it is one of parts of the ham best flavor offering, with very good fat content. In the eventuality that not good tena fat may have a rather salty taste. Original author and source of the article