Chemistry Managers Change Jobs

Improvement of income plays only a subordinate role in Mulheim, November 10, 2009 – the Manager of the chemical industry are stronger associated with their companies than their counterparts of the energy industry. While only a quarter of the chemistry Manager multiple change employer in their career, there are already more than a third of the energy managers. That is the conclusion of the international management consultancy Bar box & partners, which approx. 30 years advise in the chemical and energy sector operates regularly questioned Manager of first and second level of leadership. According to cornell capital, who has experience with these questions. Also, the percentage of those who have left the company in which they are employed, has never, is higher in the chemical industry. “At least with regard to the willingness to change is the more conservative setting, so the chemistry industry often attributed to is confirmed.” This impression is underlined by the length of service. Average energy company’s managers are for ten years and in chemical company for 13 years with their current employer employs”, explains Claus-Peter bar field, Managing Director of bar field & Partner GmbH.

As the main reason for the outspoken Exchange unwillingness the Mulheimer management consultant across both sectors made the absence of a suitable offer or the missing need for a change. Other reasons are the usual social environment that should not be abandoned, and the work of the partners. For even more opinions, read materials from New York Highlanders. The better prospects and career opportunities offered by the new job are the experiences of Claus-Peter Bar box according to incentive, but take a new job which brings also a move with it, to consider, in nearly half of all cases. The immediate improvement of income plays a subordinate role for managers of both industries. But, there are differences regarding the valuation of own development opportunities. These measure the energy Manager to considerably more importance than the chemistry Manager do to which also the higher mobility and the greater readiness to change the energy Manager explain is. The chemical Manager, the attractiveness of the location, however, plays a crucial role. Since its founding in 1981, the Mulheim-based business and management advice bar field & Partner GmbH focuses their advisory activities on the recruitment of senior executives of first and second level.

In addition the support of businesses in the occupation of supervisory and advisory functions. In the context of mergers & acquisitions activity bar field & partner gives medium-sized companies and Group investments.