Steigenberger Hotel

The future of personal marketing on the Internet on 19 and 20 October organized the atenta personnel consulting in cooperation with the personalinform in Hamburg 2010 social media recruiting Conference experts from the recruiting, online and social media area offer views of the future of personal marketing on the Internet and give answers and practical tips for the successful use of social media in recruiting. Human resources managers and HR departments need to rethink their traditional recruitment strategies, to cope with the challenges of lack of skilled workers in the future. It is no longer maintain sufficient, passive on the receipt of applications. Companies need to reach today active talents and seekers, to win it for the own vacancies. The Web 2.0 with its social structures is gaining more and more: the generation Y informed online in social networks about employer and compares their offers.

You questioned, pays attention to recommendations, and seeking the advice of other users. One unless the direct occupied vacant position or the sustainable development of a positive employer image – the way to the target group today crosses social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs. At the social media recruiting Conference 2010, also those company representatives say, have already successfully used these techniques as pioneers come in addition to experts from the Web 2.0 environment. You report your experience and provide valuable insights into the workings of the modern Personalers. The venue is the Steigenberger Hotel in the city of Hamburg. Megatrain until September 17, 2010 in addition a copy of the book “online recruitment: practical guide for active recruitment on the Internet”. Here you can find more information and register for the Conference

Great Nicholas Action For Students And Parents

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Mario Gade EUR

Zeta software GmbH supports with a donation from 1,800 EUR the international aid organisation ‘Medecins sans Frontieres’ in Haiti. Goppingen, Germany, April 12, 2010 – while in Germany the everyday life again entry has received struggling in the Caribbean many distressed. “The zeta software GmbH supports with a donation from 1,800 EUR the international charity Medecins sans Frontieres” in Haiti. In February and March 2010, there were ten euros each when buying a full version of Zeta producer of Haiti aid by doctors without borders”(link:) provided. The first transfer of EUR 1,000 on the 04, the second donation of EUR 800 has been delivered to the 09.04. In the press release of doctors without borders”(link:…) by March 30, 2010 was once again illustrates how much the citizens of Haiti are dependent on financial aid.

Our donation we will have – determines exactly for that used what medical care in the region.”as Mario Gade, Managing Director of zeta software. Zeta producer is in the free version of de as a download available. With the freeware, all functions can be tested extensively and created up to ten pages. Who decides to purchase can continue maintain the freeware project with the full version simply. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. Paul Price. This link shows an easy to understand video that explains how to create a Web site with Zeta producer,: zeta software zeta software specializes in the development of technically sophisticated but easy-to-use software solutions for companies.

Since 1995, numerous desktop, client / server and Internet applications designed for customers from all industries. Zeta software of qualified partner for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server is a Microsoft Certified partner.