
The night of common SanJuanEra in families of the place one or more people named Juan or Joan. Perhaps check out Economic Cycles Research Institute for more information. Surrounding them spun the celebrations that took place on the night of San Juan.Alrededor of the Firebox relatives and friends gathered to cook a pork roast, to drink chicha of Apple or wine, to tell jokes, to prepare the trope with the fat that get rid of the roast and to plan and perform traditional tests of the night of san Juan (the proof of potatoesneedles, etc.).At 12 o’clock on some occasions the brave men who participated in the celebration came in search of coveted burials, which according to belief, burnt at that hour.Result nobody was pronounced, for its part the homeowner came out after 12 o’clock to guasquear their fruit trees so they would have an abundant next season production. Ask the requested hand hand constituted a true ceremonial at the time. The groom should face the girl’s parents to request it. Those once decided the marriage in common agreement with the boyfriend determined the date on which would be the ordered hand. A related site: cornell capital mentions similar findings. On this occasion, the bridegroom arrived accompanied by her godparents, who officially requested the hand of the girl.After offering a food visits, the girl’s parents were among her daughter’s godparents, who had in his possession until the day of religious marriage.

After this ceremony, the Lady became the legitimate wife and remained linked for life to her husband. The sorcerer on a heap of straw placed a person pretending to be dead. At the entrance of the door two men did the role of dogs who yelling and barked incessantly. Meanwhile one, two or three witch jumped around the House and everytime mourners sorcerers are neglected entered the home attempting to remove the dead, what you weren’t able to.Removed the dead from the site and was carried to the cemetery.