Desire – resistance: demonstration This formula is known but did not pay enough attention and wondering why we live our desires are not manifested. How to achieve a high level of desire: When we list our dreams, goals we want to achieve is very important to be specific in it, eg is not the same for the universe that you say, 'I want a car "that" I want a blue peugeot 306 year 2009 "list of dreams is like going to a store to compare a shirt and tell the clerk, I want clothes, the employee will answer you if I sell clothes, but tell me if you want pants, shirt , shirt, color, size, etc, are not specific if the universe does not know what we really want. Some wise men say to be displayed correctly the dreams to fulfill and LDA says that "Everything you see in your mind, you'll have in your hand" and acknowledge that when one is in a state of lack, it is difficult to visualize when just got the money, or less to make ends meet, it is not easy see you driving your new car live in a world of thoughts materialized, so that abundance to come into our lives we must rely on the display. Martin Freeman said that "as your subconscious mind is in constant contact with the Source of infinite abundance and prosperity … the only thing we have to do is impress upon our subconscious mind images of everything we desire." Make your book of dreams, is an important weapon to get what they want, in the movie The Secret Vision Board call it I call my album of the breasts, because after reading some time ago history that Glenna Salsbury recounts the famous book Chicken Soup for the Soul album arme my dreams. .