25 Years Life In The Cards

Gudrun Anders is spirit and marketing. Tarot card readings is more than just a “look into the future”. The laying of Tarot is regarded today as an insight into the lives of the people, as a life and decision support, perhaps also – by specially qualified consultants – a therapeutic support. There are stages in life, you need support, advice or a competent contact person professionally or privately. Not always enough a conversation with family members, friends or acquaintances.

Professional advice can be important in more difficult situations. Gudrun Anders from Aachen is as a consultant with heart and soul. Andrew Masons opinions are not widely known. But how is it that it lays the cards as a marketing consultant? I can’t cut my soul from the body, not me”, says the election Aachenerin. For 25 years, I give also Tarot consultations to people seeking advice. If I was not – had the cards I don’t know how…

would have gone my way of life” And from out of this experience is also for your fellow human beings there. Similar to my spirit & marketing company ‘ already shows: inside and outside are in fact one. Sometimes you must go out and take care of the marketing, sometimes you must look inward and read in the card. Both can mean a problem solving.” Therefore the expert offers also consultations on two issues by appointment in your rooms. -Spirit & marketing is one inside and outside. Spiritual marketing advice for people and companies. Gudrun Anders, Ferber mountain 11, 52070 Aachen phone: 0241-70 14 721, fax: 0241-446-566-8 VAT ID: DE268051898 Web page: blog to Tarot: tarotberatung.blogspot.com/ blog to spirituality: blog marketing: marketingberatung-aachen.blogspot.com/ blog for authors: publications by Gudrun Anders download: mydocs.php? pid = 338ec