Web Site Promotion

Almost everyone who has decided to start his own business, sooner or later there is a need to create a site that will represent him and to advertise. And after that arises a natural question – how to attract him visitors? because without them, undertaking makes no sense. In addition, those visitors might be interested in information on the site, otherwise they will just go with it. By the way, if you are not interested in this article, I recommend to you as soon as it close. Are you still here? Then I go on with your stakeholders.

🙂 So, the above can be absolutely logical conclusion draws visitors to be potentially interested in information that is on site. Just like clockwork orange, is not it? But how? Decisions, as you might guess, a great many – do not question arose yesterday. Restaurant Michael Schwartz has compatible beliefs. However, let me stay in one of the ways to solve this problem, which will simultaneously and simple and not too expensive – the use of social networking. Over the past few years they have grown to enormous proportions. They are registered millions, tens of millions of people, and with Each of them can easily come into contact Vkontakte, and this makes them potential visitors to your site. And more importantly, a social network can search for people by different criteria, and it automatically solves the problem selection of interested visitors to your site with all the audience of many millions of social networks. In general, all that was written above – pretty obvious (I've mentioned a clockwork orange?).

Web Design Tutorials

In June 2008, published a book of Julia Raw 'Modern Web Design: Draw a site that sells. " The book details the process of creating the right design. In addition to its pages, describes the most popular in the current design styles, working in which the designer is likely to achieve commercial success. Reading the book, you'll see with my own eyes, how to begin site. It is literally a step by step guide to meeting the the main question: how to draw an attractive site and do not reinvent the wheel.

The best book on web design – so celebrated that book publishing, and in some ways it is certainly right. The last explanatory tutorial on this topic Dmitry Kirsanov's book was' the Web. Design ', which was released back in 2000, and has already morally outdated. Editorial: This book is intended for novice web designers. It describes the main rules and subtleties of design at all stages of website development – from goal-setting, material selection and design layout to testing the finished site and publish it online. Overall, the book helps the novice technician not only successfully draw a good commercial design, but also come to understand the essence of web design, learn the basic principles of developing design layouts of sites in different styles. All this will enable him to successfully move forward creatively and to grow in further develop their own styles of websites. Information about the book, the contents and introductory chapter can be read online publishers:


Let's start with perhaps what I will tell you in brief what is OpenID. Vkontakte.ru – is the largest social network in Russia and Ukraine. Every day there are registered about 50 000 users. Expedia is open to suggestions. But statistics on the specified resource is viewed more than 1.5 billion pages. Just imagine how many interested visitors can be attracted with OpenID.

The main thing that we need – a quality product, naturally the demand for it, and patience (If you do self-promotion manually). So, on what you can unleash OpenID. Here are the main 5 points. Item 1. Creating the thumbnail.

Its creation is nothing complicated. Problems can arise only when it promotion. What is problematic, especially in recent times. More information about the promotion of the thumbnail. Item 2. Create appointments. For their creation, you can click the link in the left block, 'My Events' on the page in, almost at the bottom, will link the 'New Event'. Click and adjust as we need. A meeting can unwind in the same way as a group. Item 3. Image. Here all is simple. Find some original graffichesky file, open it in Photoshop, edit it a bit (add a link to the site we need). Load the file into your album, and begin to celebrate friends. The more friends you will note, the more you go to the site visitors. Item 4. Video files. This method is suitable for video hosting sites, portals, etc. Just as with images, load their page to video, and comments to him write a short description of your resource and link to it. According to statistics, 90% of the 100 will not change the comment and name of the video file. Item 5. Sound files. On the audio recordings may well roll out music portals. All you need to do is find a popular track, and rename it so that the first track title was a reference to your resource. And then, you must scatter it to your friends on the wall. Here, it seems, and all the basic ways of promotion in the social network Vkontakte. Good luck and good mood.


Video advertising – the most effective form of advertising products for a variety of reasons. Here and the opportunity to work on several senses at once (seeing, hearing), the ability to show a problem or a product in the dynamics, much detail, as opposed to a static advertisement to describe the essential properties of the product. Same thing in public service, where the advertised object is a kind of social problem, the seriousness of which the require a maximum reveal. Videos about addiction here – is no exception. Many writers such as Smoothstack offer more in-depth analysis. The problem of addiction humanity – more than ever and threatens to escalate into a real drug disaster. Videos about addiction, like all social Advertising, permeated through and through a single idea – to touch the deep notes of the soul of each person and get to think about that issue, which this movie is dedicated. In the case of addiction is video, with the ability to provide them with impressive special effects and memorable off-screen text with deep content, accompanied by all of this contributes to the inspiration of music, are as effective. Lakshman Achuthan contains valuable tech resources. Certainly, pictures, posters or articles on abuse also contribute a very significant contribution to the fight against narkopandemiey, but videos on addiction still more fixes preventive effect.

As briefly mentioned above, the structure of video advertising consists of two main information streams. This is a video and audio track, which, in turn, is divided into verbal and musical components. Visuals in the perception of the viewer usually leaves the maximum impression, since the visual component of the perception of information is dominated by the vast majority of people.

Internet Businessman Maker

Internet for Dummies Want to start your online business? But nothing at this do not understand? This entire site has been created for you. A page on 'Internet for Dummies' I'll tell only sequence in which to study it. If you have not decided yet so which way would you like to earn money online, check out the page 'How to earn'. I think there you will find a hint for you. From myself I will say that it is best if you have no own ideas to start with affiliate programs affiliate programs. And over time, your idea will come to you. But this is only advice, and determined you are.

Well, if this way of earning you do not like? It makes no sense to take on work that you do not like. This business is not a good thing, promising and durable. Why then spend time on him. Is there really nothing else for beginners? Yes! And you will learn how the lessons of professional internet businessman Alexander Slobodenyuk. He is very much interesting to tell you their free lessons will teach you some elements of the business.

But, of course, the most valuable information is contained in its fee-based lessons. Important to understand! Internet For Dummies is filled with suggestions of paid services. You offer to do something for you: your money – and almost every whim. But this way you never did reach. And, if you need these services again (and they certainly needed) you'll need to pay and pay. But why do 'they' can do it, and you do not? Just need to learn this.

On The Use Of Flash-animation

Relatively new animation on Web pages was seen as a small miracle. The maximum that could be seen – a few images in varying file formats gif. But with the advent of web technology Flash situation has changed – many sites have appeared rather complex moving images, sometimes not inferior in quality to traditional animation. Developers of all sites often have to use this technology, and Flash-pieces became more complex. Joseph Jimenez may also support this cause. Animation varied depending on user actions, executed various predefined scenarios. Additional development, Flash technology has to include support for it in almost all modern browsers. Currently, a lot of designers do not imagine a modern web site without the use of Flash, and, unfortunately, is often forgotten about the negative consequences of using animation.

Quite often, the animation makes users more negative emotions than positive ones, and there are several explanations. Speaking candidly Senator Angus King told us the story. Firstly, the dominance of advertising on television makes many people sharply negative attitude towards advertising of any kind, Flash-movies are very similar to television advertising. Often, negative emotions arise unconsciously, people simply leave the site, has placed a lot of animation, not even thinking, why he does it. In addition, often in an effort to attract the attention of the user, the creators of advertising Flash-savers become reasonable boundaries. Sometimes ads appear on top of the page content, and remove it quite difficult, because the button for closure is located in the wrong place and the image itself is moving on the monitor screen. Of course, the user's attention is drawn, but his emotions are dramatically negative.

Internet Magazine

Quality site promotion through Internet magazine is an effective way of promotion. Internet magazine – a website that contains articles on one or more topics. In a good journal papers All categories are present and a search of the articles. Articles in the Internet journal written by experienced journalists and narrow specialists in their field, so that all the information on such sites, as a rule, unique ikachestvennaya. For companies very important to properly advertise their products, so as not to scare off buyers explicit advertising. For example, calls for the purchase or absence of useful information. Internet magazines usually offer two types of articles: the first type. The article, which describes one particular problem.

As one of the solutions provides a link to the advertiser's site. Or advertiser is a sponsor of this article and a link to his site is next to an article. The second type. Article about a particular product or service the advertiser. The article focuses on something useful, it would be interesting to a reader who is not going to buy a product.

In addition, you can place ads on a standard magazine. Attendance of some journals several thousand people a day. Perm and Perm region is developing rapidly and is filled online journal PermMag.ru. What are the online journals? 1) Niche Internet magazine. These journals of interest to specialists in a particular industry. Accordingly, advertisers are only those sites and companies that operate in this sector. For example, the journal of the Staff "Kadrovik." 2) Online Journals industry. In these journals range of articles and more widely than in specialized journals. But the topic does not go beyond the industry. For example, a magazine about the industry. 3) Social Web logs. In these journals many articles on various topics from health to education issues. These logs can be nation-wide and regional.

Interesting Articles

Daily pace of life gets faster and faster and time did not even have enough for an elementary relaxation. And how sometimes envy those lucky enough to stand at the theater! But not all bad – there is a way out of any situation so if the mountain will not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain. You have every chance to watch a movie at home, sitting in a comfortable chair at a convenient time for you, because now there is a movie online. This phrase was included in our lexicon with the development of the Internet. Today, in an age of information technology, a weekly up to a dozen new products, but the day you are at school or work, so keep an eye on them is impossible.

Moreover, look at all the comedy and Adventure in the cinema just physically impossible to catch. It's good that there are many sites that let you easily keep track straight from the tin and see premieres movies online. They are usually quite You can watch movies free online, here at your service all the new items. Even if you are – an avid movie fans, there are certainly movies that you have not seen, but which you will be very interesting. Let's talk about the benefits of sites where it is possible to watch movies for free. First, you save time – no need to queue up, then go from corner to corner and wait to start the movie. .


In our time, rarely any organization dispenses with the site. Such a solution is reasonable, because the presence of a global network of high-quality website – a kind of presentation of the company, which has the ability to see not only direct the customer who bought a long time user, but also any other interested user network. Nevertheless, high-quality site just is not easy to form and not any organization is very small, currently has an opportunity to provide a similar phenomenon. Then, instead of a specially prepared sites have sites that are developed based on templates. For the purpose, in order to choose templates sites, it is important to determine the amount of textual component, which in perspective is presented on the website, refresh rates, and of course earmarked own resource on the Internet.

Otherwise, why created website. To consider the establishment of the usual sites and attainable for many in need – and this direction is now extremely important – quite buy site templates and use them. Internter resource, created from a template, costing significantly more economical than in the case scenario, when it was organized by the programmer to order the firm. It must be said, of course, it will be much easier to develop and same set of options available. But, as yet, small organizations do not need a very large amount of information on websites – it is an additional business sector. And when the firm operates mainly in real buyer, the volumetric site on the internet and it is not required. Thus, we should divide the Internet-resources organizations in a series of options.

The original, most primitive – it resursprezentatsiya. This kind of page presents key information about the company, about the area of the company, and often some special features of goods company. Always, no doubt, indicated coordinates, because only they allow meet with representatives of the corporation in the case scenario, if the visitor interested in the information pages and it becomes a potential customer. Larger companies are placed on portals online shops. In this embodiment, in addition to topics discussed above, there are also more or less detailed descriptions of various goods or services where the customer could pick up first on their own, and only then contact the professionals of the firm. Often at the sites of online stores posted data with current affairs in one way or another topic, or truly relevant information.

Profit Planning

You can use the services offered by intermediaries, which in the Internet are countless. Find a partner in the desired field of activity pretty simple. The question actually is, how efficient will be your co-operation, there is any guarantee of honesty, sincerity and trustworthiness of the partner. Now, unfortunately, adventurers can meet in real life and in the global network Internet. It is therefore more reliable and cheaper still making a living through his personal website. Yes, and work with clients directly without the involvement of a third party allows you to save money. The question arises: what it's better – to buy the site, or by web design studios to design and build it from scratch? Can be applied in practice both.

Acquisition of sites has a number of advantages. The main advantage of is the lack of time costs. Of course, saving precious time in this case is very noticeable, because as you get a fully finished product, but do not spend a lot of hours to discuss the project and accompanying parts, and do not wait when your new website is finally open. You can also select the 'cake mix' and modify it to suit your own preferences, and can stay on existing resource that already has a certain level of attendance and popularity. Exchange sites can offer you a huge amount of options to purchase. They all have different cost characteristics, a variety of thematic focus. Among the variety is almost certainly will be found exactly one Web site that meets all your requirements and needs, including also the affordability.

Furthermore, the purchase is existing web-site is beneficial in terms of cost, because it costs much cheaper than creating a new resource. Agree that in our time, this argument is quite a weight. Do not assume that your web-site will not unique. Many web studio specializing in web development with strong individual design decisions made at a decent level. Their main goal – selling websites. This is their business. Part of the reason why you absolutely get a quality product without the fear of becoming a victim of fraud, as well as to break someone's copyright. Web site put up for sale, not because using it was unprofitable to do business. It is simply a resource on the market, like thousands of others. It is also worth noting that the Web site, which has already established itself, can generate revenue much faster than the new, yet no one not known, and if necessary at a high level of attendance to sell the website is much easier. As if there were not, the choice is yours.