Alcohol Cirrhosis

The most rapidly absorbed beverages containing 20-30% alcohol, more high concentration of alcohol may irritate your stomach and slows the pace of absorption. All drinks are absorbed more quickly if they are taken together with the soda, for example, with tonic or soda water. These drinks speed up motion of molecules of alcohol, allowing them to quickly come into contact with the cells of the stomach. After absorption into the blood of the alcohol is released through the lungs. However, much of it is metabolized by the liver. Therefore, long-term consumption of large doses of alcohol – a tremendous burden on the liver that can lead to cirrhosis. For even more opinions, read materials from Mike Gianoni.

People react differently to alcohol, but usually after one or two alcoholic drinks reception frequency beats the heart is increased and there is greater flow of gastric juice. Intellectual abilities of man remain the norm, however, slowed reactions associated with fast decision-making. On further admission Alcohol significantly worse motor coordination and difficult to isolate certain hormones, which leads to dehydration, it becomes slurred, movements awkward reduced sensitivity to pain. Restaurant Michael Schwartz pursues this goal as well. Best remedy for a hangover syndrome, resulting from dehydration – is to drink plenty of water before bedtime. Regular daily intake of eight or more units of alcohol a man or a woman does six units body great harm.

One of the five torrid drinkers develop cirrhosis, and about one out of five cases of patients dying from cirrhosis and liver cancer. Alcoholism Many alcoholics suffer from inadequate supply. Indeed, the overwhelming number of calories they get from alcohol, and their state of mind is such that they often neglect proper nutrition.

Big Momma Everyone

Why not make your husband go to the left to you? How to do it. Imagine that now with the work will come to you not your husband, and lover. What then? You will prepare an exquisite dinner, not forgetting about aphrodisiac, wear the most exquisite lace underwear, and create a flat the enchanting atmosphere of mystery that enhance your appeal. When it comes to your face appear genuine smile of joy and playful twinkle in his eye will erupt any moment when you look at it. You do not ‘ll be asking him about why he again did not bring you anything – let it do stupid wife. Your conversations will be just about the two of you Of course, the husband surprised, because he somehow thinks you are his wife.

But you have firmly decided to do something what to think about So then you let him what he wants: you never know, maybe it’s like and you? What happens. You should never give up, to experiment, even the most unusual way. Results may be the most unexpected, both for you and for him. But the fact that after several years of marriage, you will see each other in new ways, make no mistake. Is it worth it? Worth it. Try at least once, and then you may very enjoy. Boring certainly will not. Big Momma Everyone, the most remarkable men have their drawbacks. One – a pathological womanizer, does not imagine his life without constantly changing.

Therapeutic Check-up, Cancer Prevention

Israel Medicine recommends that all people over 35 undergo annual full survey. Diagnostic Check-Up program was developed in Israel for those who value their time and health. The survey lasts from 1 to 10 days Depending on the specifics and performed as an outpatient, and in steady state at the request of the patient. Diagnosis and Check-up survey in Israel – it's speed, comfort and confidence in the correctness of the diagnosis! Basic Survey: an outpatient, duration 2 – 3 days. Preliminary interviews with experts, medical history, the definition of the screening programs Extensive laboratory testing of blood (more than 50 parameters) study the performance of the liver, kidney, endocrine glands Laboratory testing of urine and feces Ultrasound ecg heart at rest and under stress echocardiography Testing of lung function at rest and under load Histology Ultrasonography of the abdomen Gastroscopy and recto-colonoscopy ultrasonography of prostate and bladder cancer Diagnosis of prostate cancer, reproductive disorders features and potency in men A blood test psa Ultrasound of the breast and pelvic ultrasound in women thyroid Survey backs and joints Ophthalmologic examination with measurement of ocular pressure Discussion of survey results with a specialist, if necessary, the appointment of medical and preventive measures. Expanded screening: an outpatient, the duration of 5 days. Therapeutic Survey: – Preliminary discussions with specialists, medical history, the definition of the diagnostic program – Extensive laboratory blood tests – ultrasound of the abdomen and the thyroid gland – Blood for tumor markers – X-ray light – Check gas exchange in lung function Cardiac examination: – ecg and under load – Echocardiography – a 24-hour monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure – Angiography, study of blood vessels Gastroenterological research: – Gastroscopy and recto-colonoscopy – A biopsy and histological examination of tissue samples – – endosonography – Tests for content Lactose and fructose Urological Survey: – Clinical examination specialist urologist – ultrasound of prostate and bladder – blood test psa – Various urine Gynecological Survey: – Clinical examination specialist gynecologist – Ultrasound of the breast and pelvis – Optical and X-ray mammography – smear-scraping – Urinalysis. Other tests: – A complete eye examination, consultation specialist ophthalmologist – Audiometry, consultation and inspection of Otolaryngology – Testing for allergic reactions, consultation allergist Discussion of survey results with a specialist, if necessary, appointment of medical and preventive measures..


Squalene has been inserted as a cause of Gulf war syndrome squalene at the US soldiers in the first Gulf war as a vaccine Enhancer. 25% – so every fourth – and even those who remained at home, got the so-called Gulf War illness… Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, muscle rheumatism, memory and concentration problems, persistent headaches, exhaustion and extensive pain. The disease can include chronic digestive problems and skin rashes. The disease has not improved since 1991 – so for 18 years. 95% of the vaccinated with Gulf war syndrome squalene antibodies were found in the vaccinated but not diseased 0%. After more than 10 years, the damages were recognized by the U.S. People such as Cynthia Bartlett would likely agree. Department of Defense. If the Federal Government enforces its intention and some 35 million people are vaccinated, the likelihood is great that 8-9 million German citizens for the next decades etc will suffer from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Many information you can on google with the combined Search term squalene + find Gulf war. Source: Juliane Sacher specialist in general medicine

Knabberzeug Beer ++ guides and tips for a healthy World Cup 2010 on 25 match days are the total 64 matches played, until the world champion 2010 is determined. These are conditions for die-hard football fans. Party mood and celebration lust turn into a single fan zone throughout Germany: whether at the public viewing, in the pub or at the barbecue in the garden. Alcohol, meat, snacks and sweets will not mark all to clear and the Jersey always like a glove fits, football enthusiasts should heed the following tips: in any case you should keep, what you eat and drink. The calorie intake should be on the week included balanced. Exercise and sports help to burn excess calories and maintain weight.

Football free days, healthy, low-fat food contributes to improve overall health as well. Snacks like chips, Knabberzeug and sweets should be eaten only during the games. Grilled meats and sausages are excellent with vegetarian ingredients (Vegetables: onions, peppers, tomatoes, etc.) refine. Low-fat sauces and salad complement the grilled delicacy. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out British Petroleum. Fetttriefenden steaks shows the red card to the health-conscious fan and will instead lean pieces of meat such as chicken, Turkey Breast and fillets. At New York Highlanders you will find additional information. The alcohol flows in good company. This dries out the body, if insufficient liquid in the form of anti-alkoholscher drinks (best water) is fed. A moderate alcohol consumption also prevents a hangover the next morning.

As a rule of thumb: for each glass beer, a glass of water. So, diluted the alcohol and the thirst quenched. Instead of red wine and beer, you should access to normal light, or export beer. This has fewer calories. If it is foreseeable that while a game alcohol and snacks consumed, you should forgo a meal and they immediately move before the game begins. So, it is saturated and takes less to unhealthy Naschzeug. In the emotional strain during a game the body pours more and more stress hormones from (for example, when a penalty), which can lead to cardiac arrhythmia. This is dangerous, especially for heart as significantly increases the risk of heart attack. Who is suffering from coronary, or heart disease should be careful especially in. If necessary should consulted with a physician, be adapted to the medication or natural sedative (E.g. Valerian) taken. A successful football day would ideally initiated when football fans to the round game device access and playing a round. Finally, football is a popular sport and a suitable Boltzplatz is certainly close. With these tips, the World Cup certainly is a success. wishes you a nice much success and all the fans of the German national football team still and healthy World Cup.

Pain Disorders

Naturopaths Wolfgang Scholz from Munich informed chronic pain problems weigh on body and psyche of patients and lead to the restriction of their social lives. Munich naturopaths and SOT chiropractors Wolfgang Scholz focuses on the consequences of pain disorders in the light of their increasing prevalence in industrialized countries with the emergence of. A trillion dollars – so much cost pain disorders each year the developed industrial States. However, the immense economic costs of pain do not reflect that many million individual stories affected, sometimes even destroyed by chronic pain. Pain stimuli are a natural body reaction to health problems or hazards. You warn us against damaging overloads, indicate health problems and allow us to survive. Pain become a real problem, if they occur as chronic disease and constantly weigh on mind and body.

A chronic pain first pulls on the nerves and leads, if him no is stopped sooner or later to major depression, stress sensitivity and irritation. This not only adversely affects the psychological well-being, but also causes depression-related behavior changes, which in turn contribute to the social isolation of those affected in the majority of cases. Chronic pain problems arise from many causes. Their research is still in its infancy, because over many years persistent and recurrent pain were not sufficiently taken seriously both by the general public as well as the prevailing medical opinion. It is clear that pain disorders are triggered for example by different postural and incorrectly asked vertebral body or favors are therapy using SOT chiropractic. A patient suffering a subluxation (bone deformity in the joint) there is natural interaction patterns following problems in the spine and the body structures that are connected to him.

Pain problems can arise in this especially, When running in the spinal nervous system affected. A lasting therapeutic success of such, tortuous on subluxations pain disorders, requires tackling the triggering problem, so the bone and joint deformity. The soft SOT chiropractic achieved excellent results by it first identified the disease-causing subluxation based on their integrated analysis of the human body, and this resolve by means of fewer, more focused adjustment pulses. A proper application of the SOT chiropractic, that stands out due to its targeted, scientifically-based approach of infamous “Bone Crusher” of past times, requires a long experience and training of the therapist. The Munich naturopath Wolfgang Scholz anytime answered questions for treating pain using chiropractic techniques.

Russian Medical Secrets

You can also benefit from simple health techniques in recent years new and ground-breaking therapies provide furore in Russia. Additional information at Jonah Bloom supports this article. Ingenious scientists and researchers in the health sector, Wow those with brilliant and simple techniques that can apply to any medical layman to do something for his health. Patients able to actively participate in their recovery are finally. Because the reality of today’s conventional medicine is scary: chronic conditions are increasing, however, the cure rate decreases. The sickness funds are bankrupt, the patients are helpless and sick in the long term. And that, even though you prescribed medicines mostly regularly be taken. In other words: active on his health means not only to work, swallowing medicines, whose Nebenwirkungen are so dramatic that it is even sicker than it already is.

Active means to look for new methods and to see outside the box of conventional medicine. Because many innovative techniques and methods, wait for the everyone for himself and his family in the Sick leave can apply. “Unfortunately, conventional medicine in the most not investigates cases an important question: what is the cause of the disease?” To find out the cause and to eliminate that real healing can happen. A concealment of symptom of is eliminated by medicines. The search for the real cause of a health problem can be very different, and is not always easy to find out with alternative methods. This transformation lends itself the ancestor -. She is such a way, it really worth to go.

But what ever the ancestral transformation? The ancestral transformation is a method that was known to our ancestors. With her, it is possible to determine the causes of the problem. To do this, it is necessary to work with our subconscious. Because in our subconscious, all the events of our lives is stored and available at any time. As it were a huge super computer, just waiting to be used. Also it is even a real awareness of the imperative for To create actions in our lives. And we need to make really around a change in our attitude towards the world and the people around us. The possibilities and results of the ancestors – transformation are simply amazing. You can remove burdens in the field of organic information, improve your vision, and much more. The result of a skulls transformation a real rebirth “of the people can be. You can like no longer feel fit and healthy! For more information to the Russian medical mysteries on the Internet page: now can there a free download ebook about Russian healing secrets.

Reasons For Occupational Disability

Psychological and orthopedic diseases are front a disability insurance affected although the health cannot restore, protect against financial emergencies. The finance portal reported the most common reasons for a premature end of the career. According to the Swiss life insurance provider, psychological and orthopedic diseases lead the list of the causes of disability. In detail is the widespread disease of depression, which is to create the Germans most diseases of the spine and the joints. Swiss life has investigated the disability reasons of its insured. Orthopaedic diseases are at 29 percent, 28 percent are suffering from depression or burnout. This is followed by accidents, cardiovascular disease and cancer. More than 20 percent of all workers have to prematurely give up their profession.

Currently, this 1.5 million German concerns. The State provides only limited support in such cases, private provision is therefore of great importance. When buying insurance, pre-existing conditions shall be indicated. The level of contributions is not only the history, but even after the time of the conclusion of the contract. Earlier workers protect themselves, the cheaper it is for them.


Mood lows can be avoided with a professionally managed through hypnosis. Autumn and winter can come. If the days are once again getting shorter and the temperatures drop, many people prepare for a change in their mood. Gets the body not enough solar energy and freshness, it can come to winter depression. The days flow there and it has no desire to do anything. Just after busy days of work, it is important that you give some rest his mind.

Mood lows can be avoided with a professionally managed through hypnosis. Here, Jonah Bloom expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Martina Haiyang, hypnosis therapist from turning in the Sauerland explains how you can reach through an induced trance for good mood. First, my clients and I have a longer preliminary. We try to discuss what could be the reason for the feeling of fatigue and encircle the suspects continues. The shutter release button is found, can you reach a specific hypnosis, that the client in certain situations different responding as previously or not so be influenced by certain things like cold, early darkness u.v.m.. At the same time, the hypnosis causes a pleasant State of relaxation. The combination of several factors reveals a sense of well-being, which was hitherto unmatched.” It recommends three consecutive treatments, which can currently be booked in their practice as a special package. Because many people want to prepare for the cold season, you should register, so that you can puncture force strengthened in October and November.

Early booking discount of 10% on the complete package. My clients feel that they come with more energy and vitality through the winter. It is a pleasure to help them”, so the therapist. Under interested can obtain initial information and an overview of the offer.

Visual Acuity And Its Definition

One of the main functions of an eye – visual acuity, or ability to recognize the minimum size of objects at the maximum distance. It is believed that the well sees a man who can from a distance of 50 meters to count the fingers on hand. The angle between the retina and the sides of the finger has a width equal to 1 minute. This ability – to see the point of view, to 1 minute – is called a unit (1,0), or, as sometimes simplistically says, a wholly owned vision. (As opposed to here). When looking at objects at equal distance visual acuity is higher, the smaller objects can be considered. That is, visual acuity, the higher the further away a person can see objects the same size. Typically, tests for visual acuity are placed at a distance of 5 m. The most frequently used for this table Sivtseva-Golovin. When viewed from a distance of 5 meters, the visual acuity equal to unit corresponds to a clear vision of the tenth from the top line. If a person sees only signs of the first line, this corresponds to the visually impaired, a reduced 10-fold, that is 0,1. In determining the table Sivtseva-Golovin with five-meter Distance visual acuity of vision in each subsequent series of letters to the above 0,1. So, if the child distinguishes only the letters of the third row, the acuteness of his vision is 0,3. In the tables instead of letters may be a ring of different sizes with a discontinuity at distinction which is judged on visual acuity.