
Lily, also known under the scientific name of iris germanica, is one of the most common garden plant species; other denominations of this plant are Blue Lily, Lily Goyal, common Lily, purple Lily, Easter Lily, bearded iris. This flower is part of the family iridaceae. Roubini Global Economics is open to suggestions. The origin of this plant makes reference to the European continent. Speaking of lily, it will be referring to a perennial, bulbous plant herbaceous addition, presents a coarse and creeping, accompanied by many radicles Rhizome. Lily this composed of an erect stem, which has a green colour, has a thickness of about 2 inches, similar to the thickness of a finger, which is perfectly suited to this plant, because its height is between 50 and 70 centimeters. Lily leaves, are acintadas and have a length ranging from 30 to 40 centimeters, accompanied by 1.5 to 3 centimeters wide, which gives them an image elongated, like a sword and very glossy; leaves are also basing them, green medium to light.

The presence of flowers to Lily, occurs from the Terminal stem, supplemented with some leaves at the base and to measure that progress will showing naked to the zoom in on the apex. The flowers show 3 sepals extended way ovate, reaching a length ranging from 8 to 12 inches by 6 inches, so it can tell that lily flowers are great. Lily presents a perfumed flower; generally their colors are shades of purple or violet, although they may have some white and yellow parts. It must be borne in mind that there are certain varieties of lily departing from the usual purple, so there are lily flowers white, yellow, blue and red, accompanied by a fine streaked. Lily bloom occurs with the arrival spring and extends until the last days of summer.

Throughout this period the lily has few flowers. For people who wish to have samples of lily in your garden, they must take into account that ideally make the planting of the rhizome in the summer; It should be accompanied with a little watering, in a measure approximately once a week during flowering, since excess moisture can cause problems to the health of the plant; in the case of dried flowers, these should be cleaned. To grow it in good way must be mind Lily both resists the Sun as places of semi-shade, also can withstand frost. The soil must be fertile, calcareous and to not present stagnation of water; It should be a renewal of the soil every 3 or 4 years. Lily can give other than the ornamental applications, among which are: a useful juice as a purgative can be with lily root. To extract of the rhizome and roots a fine dust, may be used as a fragrance fixative for potpourris and as an element of padding in scented cushions. Original author and source of the article