When you go to other people, using derogatory tones, such as: what is thought that it is, should, previously, trying to answer some questions related to your own person, clear to get to this point, it is necessary that you possess a minimum of capacity self-criticism, quality is, that according to what can be seen with the naked view, do not have any interest in cultivatingespecially when you have a natural tendency to the vulgar and mediocre, when arrogance and vanity, that spring in abundance for your interior, being just you can hide behind your appearance of pretty girl, look that abruptly fades to the minor annoyance of any of your whims. You can have whims is not bad, also can hope or aspire to, as in your case, a myriad of things that others do or say that they have, at your age, everything is possible, you can defend your space with nails and teeth, have more freedom of action, not accountable to anyone of your actions, etc. etc., all that can be be but: when one tries to walk through the trails of self-sufficiency in the sense of power everything you crave must first learn some basic principles that make coexistence among supposedly civilized humans, you must understand that the human being is essentially a social being, and this is not simply a phrase learned any lesson of sociology, our species, with very rare exceptions, simply cannot develop their full potential unless he presents with the other members of their species, learning, step by step, the laws that regulate this coexistence. People like you, perhaps think that laws and the norms, established long before, that the fertilized ovaries of thy mother, allow your irruption to the world of living beings, are not anything other than arbitrary restrictions, impositions of the old, whose purpose has as sole purpose the of trying to impose its vetusta will, on which, as you, they are young, intelligent, informed, modern, and by Ende, best equipped to make their own decisions, without relying on anything or anyone.
Tag Archives: crisis
Kings Valley
They argued several wars with its neighbours and were victorious; they extended their domains to the East and the West, South and the North, and the Empire became prosperous and large. With over the years, however, and by the wealth and prosperity, the chibchas became proud and dominant; they were cruel, forgot the worship of God and were given to drunkenness. The Kings did not give good example peoples rather they outnumbered minions in vices and cruelties. They had completely forgotten the teachings of Bochica as soon as refers to the conduct of daily life. V and succeeded that the punishment announced by Bochica fell upon them. As stated, the chibcha Empire was seated in a large plain, at the Summit of high mountains. Around the plain chains of other higher mountains, were formed from them so that formed a Valley closed on all sides.
By the center of the Valley ran a beautiful River, which came together numerous currents coming from different directions. One day rainfall over land flared up with violence. It came another day, and another, and another, and rain was still falling in a manner never seen until then. Hincharonse the river and streams, and they left the mother, and began to cover the Earth. The waters would rise gradually and continuously.
Inundaronse fields, homes were fenced by the waves, and there was no span of Earth that was not submerged beneath the waters. And rain was still falling and the torrents roamed the Valley braved and untestable. Already flooded the houses of the men and the waters are still rising, rising ever higher up. Despavoridas people leave their abodes of the Valley and climb the nearby hills. But the waters do not cease to Ascend, and plain is a vast lake under which have vanished houses, temples and trees; and waters are still climbing, climbing, climbing, increasingly higher up.