EAGL Gallery

Artists of from different backgrounds in the EAGL gallery show their square works. From February 4 until March 31, 2018 the EAGL takes place quadriART in the Kant str. 87a 10627 Berlin. A large square work of art arises from many small square works by individual artists. Not only the nationalities could not be more different, rather this applies also to art styles, materials and colors. The exciting to the quadriART the different moods, themes, styles, and materials are only held by the given square shape of the work. All this will result to combine, to unite in a factory and to give the exhibition a living concept, another artwork! “, so the organizers of Jennifer Spruss and Anja Schneider, even freelance artists and gallerists the EAGL gallery.” 100 artworks by 60 artists convene in the EAGL gallery.

To the opening on Saturday. the February 4, 2012 which gives in Berlin and New York soprano Wiltrud Weber from 19:00 pieces from their new CD “Blue and Deep” to the best, combining the classical and jazz in a unique way. Added and combining the wonderful trio of Julia Fiebelkorn, Susanne Duchstein and Yvonne Panten with saxophone and bass, as well as the fantastic jazz singer Gabriele Raik, get the Band The Shades”. During their live debut at the MIDI Sage on Friday, the March 2012 off 20:00 open the shades”new worlds of sound with minimal music, which leads the listener from dream moods about sound stories of distant countries feeling escapade to the humoresques. the conclusion of which is quadriART on the 31st March 2012 from 20:00 Saturday crowned with an auction.

Selected works will be auctioned off to moderate call prices. Each artist is responsible for the pricing. A man and his guitar”provide the musical background to the Finissage there is Rocky with Dominik Damke.

Kings Valley

They argued several wars with its neighbours and were victorious; they extended their domains to the East and the West, South and the North, and the Empire became prosperous and large. With over the years, however, and by the wealth and prosperity, the chibchas became proud and dominant; they were cruel, forgot the worship of God and were given to drunkenness. The Kings did not give good example peoples rather they outnumbered minions in vices and cruelties. They had completely forgotten the teachings of Bochica as soon as refers to the conduct of daily life. V and succeeded that the punishment announced by Bochica fell upon them. As stated, the chibcha Empire was seated in a large plain, at the Summit of high mountains. Around the plain chains of other higher mountains, were formed from them so that formed a Valley closed on all sides.

By the center of the Valley ran a beautiful River, which came together numerous currents coming from different directions. One day rainfall over land flared up with violence. It came another day, and another, and another, and rain was still falling in a manner never seen until then. Hincharonse the river and streams, and they left the mother, and began to cover the Earth. The waters would rise gradually and continuously.

Inundaronse fields, homes were fenced by the waves, and there was no span of Earth that was not submerged beneath the waters. And rain was still falling and the torrents roamed the Valley braved and untestable. Already flooded the houses of the men and the waters are still rising, rising ever higher up. Despavoridas people leave their abodes of the Valley and climb the nearby hills. But the waters do not cease to Ascend, and plain is a vast lake under which have vanished houses, temples and trees; and waters are still climbing, climbing, climbing, increasingly higher up.