Speakers Live

(Online article) – Lecture Redner.de expands customer service white Horn, March 30, 2009 – “with as first speaker Agency allows wife Anita Abele your customers that”live”by speakers on their website.” Lecture Redner.de provides viewing available from immediately selected image trailer by guest speakers. You know this format of the YouTube platform. Without lengthy registration you can in addition to the Vita, to be able to see the form of presentation of the speakers the image as well as the topics and publications the speaker immediately. Here you get a first impression about rhetoric, presentation style and personality. How must speakers are today to be “booked” or mediated? In what way can the customer advance “learn”? Through the presentation of the image trailer customers but also the speakers of Mrs Anita Abele will get a brand new and innovative communication tool available. Of course this does not personal advice – but it can be at the right Support selection of the guest speaker.

This form of presentation of the speakers is a completely new service and strengthens mutual confidence. To the selection of active speakers movies here: video.asp many other speakers will follow in the next few weeks. These speakers are professional speaker that independent reporting on the most diverse subjects. This service is aimed at all companies who are looking for a suitable presentation speaker for your event.