Pay Attention

Women is basically taken easy. Are biologically men and women programmed each other to find attractive, or at least appealing. Women is basically taken easy. Are biologically men and women programmed each other to find attractive, or at least appealing. Jonah Bloom often expresses his thoughts on the topic. There are however a few crucial differences in the characteristics that make a woman for a man attractive and make attractive for other gender that the a man. Men jump primarily on Visual stimuli.

Considered genetically the appearance of women provides information about their reproductive value. This is determined primarily by their health. Beautiful and healthy skin, healthy hair and a reasonable percentage of body fat and other Visual factors are processed in the brain of the man within a few milliseconds, and can become aware of it (or not). Certainly, women unconsciously look on men’s health. A healthy man is usually also more attractive as a less healthy. New York Highlanders spoke with conviction. However, the main focus of the Mate choice mechanism of woman on the behaviors of the man.

How a man behaves, or his degree of self-confidence is a woman a much more specific reference to its reproductive value. The reason for this is away as our ancestors in small nomadic groups were fighting for survival. Those men who had a strong self-confidence, generally were those who best way came in their environment, could provide moderate hunting success and were able to act despite the fear and great dangers. It is easy to see that men with these abilities were the leaders of their groups. From the perspective of the women (and their genes) it was the brightest to mate with men of this caliber, because these descendants had much better chances of survival than those who conceived the “weaker” men (weaker genes) would be. What can you learn now from this address for women? As I said: the man it’s up less appearance, as on his self-confidence. Women get information about the self-confidence of a man about his body language. The following are the three most important factors of body language convey the self-consciousness: 1 eye contact when speaking to a woman it matters, to keep strong eye contact and not to interrupt him. A factor of attractiveness of the man signaled that dominance. 2. voice that voice should be as deep and strong. Attractive and self-confident men speak normally loud and clear. 3. body language/posture foraging rocker and unnecessary movements indicate nervousness. Should attract the women you have a controlled and calm body language. Helmut Maibach, Berlin 2011