Ottoman Empire

I am not nor of far a specialist in Middle East. Taste and I have pleasure in knowing the subject more than. It is part of this walked of the historian, whose destination it never controls. When it was in the college wanted to say on the Getlio Vargas. I arrived close. I spoke on a left movement when it was president.

In the after-graduation I finished choosing the Holocausto. When I gave for me was speaking on Israel. Soon! Already it had put me in the Middle East. It only sees as Vargas can go far. As taste to share what taste, I have that to recommend the reading of a book of David Fromkin, professor of the University of Boston, call ' ' Peace and War in the Middle East ' '. The there from above heading is plagiarism of the sub-heading of the book.

The next lines do not intend to be a summary or summary on the book, only one beats papo having it as main object. Basically, ' ' Peace and War in the Middle East ' ' he is resulted of a documentary study vastssimo that it encloses the period of 1914-1922. The perspective is European, over all British. Good part of the workmanship it is personalista, that is, it very emphasizes the involved people in the negotiations on the destination of the declining Ottoman Empire in way to the World War I. For times, of – the impression of that all age decided in meetings between English and Frenchmen. At other moments the reading if becomes a little dull, with the innumerable details, in general irrelevant, on battles and dialogues. Not obstante the negative points, the workmanship is very important for who desires to understand the dynamics of the current Middle East. All this region was part of the Ottoman Empire, that was of 1299 foot up to 1922.