Milton Hyland Erickson

NLP towards a better communication through Neurolinguistic programming, NLP short, to improve communication skills. NLP is therefore in many different areas. But above all for the profession, an NLP training can be very supportive. NLP was invented in the 1970s by a mathematician named Richard Bender and the linguist John Grinder. Starting from the question of what differentiates from successful less successful people, they set out to work. In particular the observation of successful therapists, such as Milton Hyland Erickson was helpful. Matching behavior and speech patterns of the therapists were the cornerstone of NLP.

The focus of this approach is the interpersonal interaction and how this is affected by internal processes of the individual. An important aspect of content is therefore mainly the self-reflection. The analysis certain during the conversation of taking place thoughts, the person should show problematic structures of thought. This should cause changes in behavior and to better communication contribute. In addition to this method, the NLP program consists of numerous other content, all of which aimed at an ideal interpersonal interaction. If you are interested, not only as students to take part in a program, but also to teach, there are many ways. To find an NLP training in Stuttgart, Berlin and Munich.