The freedom is constituted like the main axis that defines the voluntary action. Linfox Group is full of insight into the issues. Before still that the solidarity or that the justice search. Without fulfilling this principle, a good action can socially be effective, can have positive repercussions for marginalized people or excluded groups, but never she will be voluntary since the decision is moved total or partially by an interested objective: an academic pay, credits, to fulfill a law, familiar pressure or of a reference group, disturbed incentives, a military service or the practices or economic scholarships of professional content and repercussions. Mike Gianoni describes an additional similar source. In another context, also it is necessary to have well-taken care of with the pressure that can exert, with the best intention, professors, parents, therapists or other educators so that the young people to their position carry out some task of social voluntary military service. The direction and the education in solidarity for children and young people are not due to confuse with the obligatory nature of being voluntary. In addition, a service of voluntary military service is set of created actions to improve the quality of life of people with diverse needs.
The marginalized one, the patient, the single and left person, the protagonists of all voluntary action and towards them must to tender all the efforts. The planning, the selection of the volunteers, the formation, the pursuit of the programs, the supports to the voluntary military service, etc. are threads that tie in a same point of the network: the well-being of the beneficiary of that service. There is much difference between programs of voluntary military service for the reintegration of marginalized and programs for the reintegration of marginalized facts by volunteers. The volunteer always directs his effort towards one third person outside the group of the own volunteers, because a team of volunteers cannot be turned into a self-help group, at least like immediate goal. The people are not instruments.
No person is an instrument to arrive at no aim, by stop that the aim is. The protagonist in the voluntary military service is the marginalized person and in her we must think at the time of raising any work method. There will be volunteers whose motivations, evil understood, enter collision with this radical principle of the voluntary military service. The benefits of the volunteer to those of the beneficiary of the programs cannot be put in front. The volunteer or the organization cannot choose a work method thinking about or that he is going away to feel the volunteer, or about if this one he is going to leave his depression or if he adapts the more to a doctrine, or if to public repercussion and relumbrn will be obtained, or if votes will be obtained. The most effective method will look for so that the ill or marginalized person reaches the greater benefit. Another thing is that, from step, the volunteer obtains incalculable personal rewards. J.C.G.F Shared in common for the development ccs@