… a division of Druckhaus Waiblingen Waiblingen. שמבין יותר ממני. Recently, Michael Kugler (34), expert for multichannel commerce, supports the sales team of ASIM cross media publishing solutions and product data management. Technology manufacturer and provider of solutions for product information management he is active and direct contact especially for existing customers as key account manager in the future. Michael Kugler is industrial engineer and has more than five years of experience in the area of IT solutions for multichannel commerce, cross media publishing, product data management, E-procurement and product information management (PIM). He most recently worked as key account manager for the e-pro solutions GmbH. ASIM has established itself as a fixture in the market for efficient and innovative PIM solutions. The company is currently its sales and product strategies, to continue to best serve his customers”, explains Michael Kugler and just completed consulting and services play an important role also for existing customers.
I am, on the challenge here in new concepts to bring up my knowledge and know-how.” About ASIM ASIM is a premium software for information management, with which users can simplify their data and providing information. Central aspect is the multiplication of internal and external uses of the data. The range focuses on the Central product information management sales and marketing company. ASIM meets all publication tasks for presales, sales and post sales. The modular structure of ASIM, as well as the extensive services and the high degree of innovation of the company are the guarantee for absolute customer benefit. Owner of ASIM is Druckhaus Waiblingen (DHW) in Waiblingen near Stuttgart.
DHW was established in 1839 and is still today a pure family business. All shares are owned by the family holding Villinger. Under this umbrella are the entrepreneurial activities of the family Villinger bundled. in 1993, the printing house began with the establishment of media-neutral systems that manage information ASIM was born. Today, supported and accompanied its customers in the installation, commissioning, maintenance and care of the system the same name Division. This, ASIM on a flexible and individual customer situation adapted nature of the cooperation attaches great importance. Many customers have been working for many years with ASIM.