Beyond the economic difficulties crossed by the country, it had the competition of folhetarias north-eastern, such as of Manoel Camilo, the Luzeiro of the North and the just-arrival, Publishing company Prelude, of So Paulo, old Graphical Souza. In the same decade, Joo Jose Da Silva faced personal problems, vendeu its rights of authorship and good part of its workmanships, and of other authors whom the So Paulo publishing company had acquired, also allowing that the same one started to use the fancy name. Of this form, the Publishing company Prelude passes to edit the acquired headings and receives the name from Luzeiro Limited Publishing company and acts with more quality. From the decade of 70, the twine passes for a new phase. The interest of national e, mainly foreign researchers, for the twine, became object of study in the main universities of Brazil and the World. Before this, in 1955 Orgenes Lessa the Twine Literature published an article in the Anhembi magazine exaltando. However the recognition for Brazilians if materialize, after an article of the Frenchman Raymond Cantel of the University of the Sorbonne, that was published in Le Monde in 1969.
Since then, they did not lack interested people to investigate, to think or even though to decree the end of the twine. Other foreign writers had come Brazil to search it on the subject, of which they are professors Mark Curran of the University of Arizona and Joseph M. Luyten, consolidated dutch researcher in the country. Although Military dictatorship, appears a possible economic balance, ' ' publishers, xilgrafos and deliverers equip themselves to take care of new demands. Poets reencontram the inspiration and liberate its poems, published for universidades' ' (MEYER, 1980, P. 92). While others that were in the anonymity, appear with its productions. It appears then, the figure of Antonio Gonalves Da Silva, or simply Patativa of the Assar, that if became an authentic divulgador of the culture northeastern.