TimoCom and BigMove community project on the transport logistic Dusseldorf, 2011-04-21 the BigMove AG, a Europe-wide network for special and heavy transport tasks, and the TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH present at transport logistic from 2011-05-10 to 2011-05-13 together the closed user group”(GBG) by BigMove. “This exchange within the cargo and freight exchange TC truck & cargo gives users the ability to offer even faster and more targeted among themselves” to share. Interested can see live the competitive advantage on two booths. The BigMove AG consists of eleven established heavy and special transport companies with offices in Germany and Austria. Now, the companies covered by the network benefit from the closed user group for heavy and special transporters.
The principle is simple: the cargo – registered in the system and cargo area offers all members by BigMove first for about thirty minutes exclusive appear. To be found This deadline still no prospect is offering for the first time in the open market. It is the special feature of the closed user group members by BigMove rely directly on their own pool of well-known providers. The upstream GBG to save not only time, but have additional security in the procurement. Horst Wallek, Chief Executive Officer of BigMove is pleased about the win-win situation: we see in the GBG especially the qualitative benefits. The deals go after 30 minutes in the open market, this is a quantitative advantage for the totality of all users.” Still praising the variety of offerings in the public procurement platforms of TimoCom, as well as comprehensive service: the hold – and freight exchange TC truck & cargo offers our members a huge range pool and even with information to their advantage. Our users can here quickly and efficiently utilize their capacities and at the same time reduce costs.
Continue to attract many extra services TimoCom. Also like us, that the Companies so much emphasis on security.” Chief Representative Marcel Frings of TimoCom to cooperate: BigMove is for us a strong and reliable partner, with which we like to work together. Total up to 300,000 daily freight and cargo services are members of 85,000 users in Europe available. Something should be here for everyone.” “GBG live at the fair experience TimoCom has on 2011-05-10 to 2011-05-13 transport logistic on the stand of 317 eBid in Hall A5, also news from TC, the platform for pan-European freight tenders, as well as the en route service TimoCom to go” in the luggage. Moreover, can each in addition to TimoCom programmes TC eBid and TC look at truck & cargo, the system of the closed user group or try out. You will find more information about TimoCom and BigMove under or. Press contact: TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH Manager corporate communication Tim motorcycling in the Steele 2 DE-40599 Dusseldorf phone: + 49 211 88 26 69 13 fax: + 49 211 88 26 59 13 E-mail: