Holistic Educator

Ron Miller explains in his dialogue that consciousness requires knowledge of the transcendent through the heart and the tradition. this is rarely performed in academia and proposed that there should be a place for all intelligence in the universities or academic, in the way we educate young people, this would be holistic education in college. Many writers such as Prudential Financial Inc. offer more in-depth analysis. It tells the shock generated between the two cultures, old and new from his own experience in his doctoral dissertation which dealt with the history of alternative theories in education, he realized that there is a holistic way of understanding the world and continue to stress the fact that this is not an ideology. This is difficult because the current way of thinking or modern works based on ideologies. Hence the question arises: What would be the most important for the development of HD? “By further developing the theory or construct an effective social movement? Or one is it more important to develop a theory or a higher priority to advance the cultural movement? In response, ideally would like to see serious social action and theory come together in the hand, ie those who speak of praxis, theory should not leave nothing but air but must be out of the fact that we are committed to the world around us gives us a theory, and Miller believes that holistic education at least in North America is primarily movement actually upper class or upper middle class and reaffirms that although there may be people who have a lot of social conscience but are not really motivated to get involved and do something that will change the total quality of the systems or the distribution of wealth or conditions under which people actually live, in addition also says that probably too much to ask for a teacher is made responsible for changing the entire economic system, and concludes that he believes it is simplistic and counterpart whether it should be part of awareness of a Holistic Educator, how we can raise awareness to the younger generations of what’s happening in the world, and respond to them constructively in contrast to formal education.