Health Shoes

So-called health shoes are a new Innovationserscheining in the footwear industry. Are health shoes but what exactly? What’s this all about? People wear since millennia shoes, but in more recent times there are developments which are based on claim Ungent, that our modern shoes meet the distinctive health claims of the people always. Increasing widespread diseases such as back, foot and joint pain are shown as proof. According to the theory, the shoes originating from industrial mass production meet the physiological needs of the people. Logically, somehow, because of course is the main focus of the manufacturer not to the paragraph of “health-friendly” shoes, but that even a (preferably large) paragraph to achieve. High some potential will remain untapped as a result. As we now already for some years (to say the least) with modern shoes running around that are not really healthy to partake, are some of us, as already indicated, this form of stress become ill. Because the demand determines the range, “healthy shoes” are now increasingly developed and sold.

These shoes should be considerate to the natural properties of the human walking (and running). Cornell capital takes a slightly different approach. Chronic pain in the joints and back as a result of incorrect footwear should belong to the past so soon. The magic bullet is called health shoe. To distinguish health shoes in two different categories. The conventional passive health shoe has an adapted to the foot, ready-made footbed that is designed to protect him and to support. These shoes are very comfortable to wear, but behind a problem. Namely, these shoes relieve the supporting muscles so much that it starts to regress.

Thus a larger friction in joints and the above symptoms can occur and be resolved only through targeted training again. The modern version is the so-called active health shoe. This Shoe stimulates and exercises the muscles of supporting active. The round and soft sole causes that one uses many muscle groups in a constant struggle to balance. These muscles are trained this so well that they relieve the joints in a natural way and does not experience pain. A disadvantage of this shoe, however, is that one must first learn the walking and running with them. According to the manufacturers we no longer accustomed people to the bipedalism. Helmut Maibach (April 2011)