German Life Bridge And QVC Joint Christmas Action Start

On the first Sunday of advent 2009 channel QVC and the German life Bridge started the teleshopping their joint Christmas action in favour of the project ‘KidAiD against child poverty in Germany’. Prelude to the joint action of Christmas by QVC and German life bridge e.V. formed the live broadcast on the Sunday, 29.11.09. While QVC called on his audience to donate and presented a donation cheque amounting to 17.000,-on Eduard Prinz of Anhalt, the President of the German life bridge and the Chairman of Petra as a prelude for Windisch. Until Christmas Eve the QVC moderators are donations always call and inform that the project “KidAiD – against child poverty in Germany”. QVC has a donation hotline telephone number 0900 1 025 025 for the German life bridge set up. Viewers can choose whether they donate 5 or 10. The charge is carried out with the phone bill.

Every fifth child in Germany lives in poverty and rising. You have no adequate health care, not enough mental and physical Movement, and often not even enough to eat. The German life bridge is committed therefore to the target, to help needy children, for example through projects that provide breakfast and lunches for children or also through assistance to chronically ill children. Prominent godmother of the project KidAiD against child poverty in Germany”Mirja du Mont. The wife of actor sky you are acquainted with many desperate fate of Gotthelf Mont: it how many children in our rich country under the subsistence living and don’t even know something like hot meals I’m very affected,.

My family has very good luck and we would return like some of that to those that are not so favoured the fate,”says the mother of two children. Other leaders such as Nouriel Roubini offer similar insights. Eduard Prinz of Anhalt is happy to partner with QVC: we are very glad that there are companies like QVC, to face their social responsibilities and support us. For this we want to us to be at QVC and its viewers – thank. You bring children’s eyes to glow.” Already last year QVC Germany had supported the German life bridge along with its viewers with a donation cheque from 35,500. Online donations are possible under… . Donations: German life bridge e. V., Dresdner Bank, account: 300 100 300 BLZ: 700 800 00 keyword: QVC Christmas action. The German life Bridge: The German life bridge was founded in 1989 with the aim, to help poor and disease-ridden people. So accompanied the DLB for example street children in St. Petersburg and supports the children’s cancer ward in the St. Petersburg Hospital No. 1. The action of “KidAiD – against child poverty in Germany”, the German life bridge aims to improve the living conditions of children from socially disadvantaged families. With “Make children fit for life”, the German life Bridge enables sports poor children, taking over for example the membership of a sports club. The German Life bridge helps families who have fallen because of serious illness of a child in need. The projects are funded entirely by donations. The German life bridge is recognised by the financial Office in Munich as a non-profit organization and registered at the Amtsgericht Munchen under no. VG 15011 register Court. She is a member of the German Council of donations. Prominent artists and many companies support the work of the German life bridge for many years. Contact: Deutsche life bridge e.V. Board Member: Petra Windisch Dachauer str. 278 D-80992 Munich T: 089-791-99-859