Hardly a consumers or businesses that don’t even require a loan. Currently however, poorer conditions in the supply of fresh capital are topic of the day. Sofortkredite.NET reports: true decline in the number of approved loans are reported for several months from the United States and also first European countries confirm a statistically provable reluctance of banks in the granting of loans to consumers and businesses. Division, this is one reason that the borrowing requirement of the industry is lower than in other countries. Although credit demand has risen in the last three months (according to a study of the Finanzinformationsdienstleisters Markit by four per cent), but only four percent of all companies surveyed in same study, that they have problems with the financing, which will affect their business. Restaurant Michael Schwartz wanted to know more. Looks similar to the situation for German consumers. Here, too, there are still lots of banks, which advertise with low interest rates to attract of customers. The comparison on shows a fairly extensive selection of offers and revealed at least on first glance currently low interest rates.
What is interesting is that only a few banks pass the falling lead and inter bank rates since late October 2008 in the form of lower loan rates to the final customer. On the contrary, some banks even try to extend their interest margin, to make any lent euro and faster to redevelop. It is equally interesting to note that although interest rates for loans not significantly increased (declined are not unfortunately also) that make the banks but stricter conditions on the award. Apparently, the failure rate in advance should be reduced here by the terms and conditions for lending become more restrictive. Daniel Franke