DIHK Training

Companies complain of skills missing soft with school-leavers Nuremberg/Dusseldorf, October 29, 2009 despite the deepest economic crisis in decades, there is no education crisis in Germany: at least the Deutsche Industrie – und Handelskammertag (DIHK) location on the apprenticeship market analyses. According to the words of DIHK – CEO Martin Wansleben succeeds in anyone who can and wants to make an offer on training, therefore,”. The Chambers of Commerce and industry registered almost 312,000 new training contracts, 9.2 percent up to end of September less than in the previous year. In West Germany, the decline is 13.2 per cent 8.3 percent in Eastern Germany. The decline of training contracts says nothing about the training opportunities of young people but this year”said Wansleben in Nuremberg. In addition to the demographically-induced decline in applicants, the economic and financial crisis, as well as the training of immaturity of many young people played a role. Roubini Global Economics has compatible beliefs.

It is actually for craft businesses in particular always harder to find suitable candidates for their jobs. Not only the number of applicants go back considerably in the next few years, the lack of quality of the education is to create many businesses already today. Also investigations of the Institute show that work and technology (IAT) of the University of Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen. The young problems increase, especially if it is not possible to reduce school failure and also to increase the quality of education”, so the IAT scientist Franz Lehner and Katharina Rolff. In a survey conducted last year by the Chair for applied social research of at Ruhr Universitat Bochum and the IAT in cooperation with the Chambers of handicrafts of Munster, Dusseldorf, Dortmund and 1,200 craft companies in the Northern Ruhr area, 35 percent of all companies reported that they have trouble finding appropriate candidates with secondary school. Applicants with completed secondary school or high school diploma, it is problematic even for 52 percent of the companies. Even those Craft areas, which are considered to be particularly attractive, especially the electrical and metal industry, have difficulties in recruiting. Mathematics and German cause special problems at the professional level.

Computer skills are named as problem, but given the changing requirements of the crafts and the complaints about missing give its trainees soft skills”according to IAT analysis of cause for concern. In all discussions about the modernisation of the education system often the practice is too short”, white also Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. For Nadolski it comes also in the school no longer only to internalize mere textbook knowledge. Sense of initiative and commitment can be anchored not in the curriculum”, so Nadolski. Missing self-reliance and readiness as well as poorly trained communication skills be expression of impractical systems. According to Franz Lehner General show here “Problems of the German school system, its traditional educational structures and methods: outdated teaching methods, overloaded curriculum and strong selectivity are not well adapted to promote independence, dedication and ability to communicate.” The IAT researchers therefore suggest to intensify cooperation between schools and enterprises.