Can In Join-tale Every Web2. 0-write The History

There is a modern fairy tale of the present time, jointly written by hundreds of people on the Internet. The Internet is a modern fairy tale of the present time, which could not be “Web two Noughties”: hundreds of people on together a story. It begins with aon, who had left his former life as a media consultant and was driven into the desert. There the events fought over suddenly “As roundup in the whorehouse, as would a dam would be torn down.” The mid-August-launched project allows all Internet users, working together on the Web2. 0-history to write.

Everyone can free of charge and without registration words the text or add to and influence the story. The rules are simple: daily each user may add up to seven words and move it to an appropriate place in the text. While you should keep the work of the other with authors in the eye and take the storylines started by them and figures, and continue. The result is the join fairy-tales from the question of whether many people could together create a history of individual words and how they probably would look like. After the first week the common fairy tale takes the first form and the response to the project is surprisingly high.

“More than 100 co-authors have already contributed to the history and you will grow. 700 words” the initiator of the project, Christoph Bock is pleased. “The interactive tale should be just fun reading as well as in Active writing. “A special charm to this Web2. 0-history is to see how the own contribution with other authors is picked up and further developed.” With a twinkle in his eye, he calls therefore the project “the democratization of history.” How is the story will develop, nobody knows. Everyone is invited to bring down the main character at in greatest danger or even to save them. – we write Web2. 0 story, Word for Word! CONTACT: Christoph F. Bock fog wall 7, 33602 Bielefeld + 49 (521) 453 6604 E-mail: Web: about MITMACHMRCHEN.DE was founded in mid-August 2008. On the page, all Internet users can write a story together by each individual words or attaches. Each author can add the daily maximum of seven words and move it to an appropriate place in the text. While you should keep the work of the other with authors in the eye and take the storylines started by them and figures, and continue. can be used free of charge and without registration. The result is the join fairy-tales from the question of whether many people could together create a history of individual words and how they probably would look like. The site is based on the word database of the German Internet-Word project The initiator of the two projects, says Christoph Bock, via “the join tale should be just plain fun, at the” Read as well as for active writing. “A special charm to this Web2. 0-history is to see how the own contribution with other authors is picked up and further developed.” With a twinkle in his eye, he calls therefore the project “the democratization of history.” More information: