Aleister Crowley

In its thousands of years of existence, the tarot has been built a language that surprises by its richness and complexity. A wealth that is nourished by the contribution of many streams and different cultures. Scholarship program is the source for more interesting facts. This is probably the secret of their validity and their successes. The secret of a tarot which has not despised the beliefs and knowledge of any people. A friend tarot of all philosophical systems, arts and Sciences. In its origins in Egypt, thirty centuries before the birth of Christ, the tarot was formed in the concepts of Egyptian religion and hermetic philosophy. Later, he incorporated elements of hindu philosophy, Greek mythology and Christian mysticism.

Gypsies, enslaved in Egypt, did not see the tarot as a symbol of the culture of their oppressors. Instead, they discovered a friend tarot in foreign lands, and he appropriated. The results were a fertility and wealth that can be seen even today. They printed their idea of a friend tarot also to the language of the letters of the nature, as they themselves are. Philosophy, mythology, nature how would not be friend tarot also of the arts? With the passage of the centuries, illustrations of each card have gained not only beauty but also in complexity and symbolic richness. Each deck shows the best of art from every era, from the beautiful medieval simplicity of tarot Minchiute until striking abstraction of the mallet of Aleister Crowley, at the service of the transmission of your wisdom and your messages. Many artists have even explored the plastic and aesthetic possibilities of the tarot deck. And some decks, already disused insofar as divinatory practices, are exhibited in major museums as a fundamental part of the history of art.

The wisdom of the tarot, far from closed or stagnate, is now alive and constantly growing. Maybe for being the friend tarot for everyone who wants to learn, to grow, to see beyond the obvious and evident thing. By be friend tarot of those who are wondering, they question the form and substance every thing and do not conform easily. Of those who believe that all peoples, cultures and even each individual have something they share or teach. Perhaps for this reason that the practice of tarot is not dead after fifty centuries of existence. And such time therefore never die.