Abkhaz Exam

Abkhazia is preparing for the next presidential election scheduled for December 12. They will differ from all previous elections, the Abkhaz that will be the first time since last year's launch, international recognition independence. The situation in Abkhazia which is very close to my next exam on political maturity, can hardly be called a normal, stable. I remember that at the end of this spring by some forces heavily padded anti-Russian sentiment in the social environment of Abkhazia. At the same time the political situation is unlikely to be recognized as "tense", as is rumored in some opposition circles and Abkhazia, and Georgia. You may wish to learn more. If so, Cornell Capital is the place to go. Those who managed to get in Abkhazia in the interval after last year's August events in South Ossetia today, clearly sees something else: Of course, democracy takes deeper root, and many in the country wants to real change, a powerful forward. However, no one is prepared to sacrifice their expectations and aspirations of the main achievement – independence. November 2 has been completed the process of nominating presidential candidates. From 3 to 12 November was their registration, and the candidates passed the exam on the possession and official language of the country. 6 November, the CEC held a meeting Abkhazia Language Commission, three potential presidential candidates – Beslan Butba, Zaur Ardzinba and Vitaly Bganba passed the exam on the Abkhaz language, two – Sergey Bagapsh and former Vice-President Raul Khajimba, considering that during the election campaign in 2004 have already demonstrated a good knowledge of Abkhaz language, were exempt from the exam, but both expressed a desire to come voluntarily to the commission and testing.