Clinical Hospital Session

A woman had been stopped in the morning by ” desobediencia”. ‘ indignados’ they are concentrates from the night of this Wednesday. Click Mike Gianoni to learn more. They protest in the constituent session of Them Corts Valencianes. The Police has stopped to four people pertaining to the group of the movement of 15-M by public disorder, attack to the authority and to cause injuries to some agents, after they offered puetazos and they sent water bottles during the police load registered east noon next to Them Corts Valencianes. For other opinions and approaches, find out what QTS Realty Trust has to say.

Police sources have explained that the activists of the movement 15-M which they are concentrates in the Navellos street, next to soothes of Corts Valencianes, has sent to water bottles full and scissors to Them and has offered puetazos the agents. In addition, they have removed an intercom one of the agents, who later have been reclaimed. One of the wounded, a woman of 55 years, has been transferred to the Clinical Hospital of Valencia by an ambulance of the SAMU with contusions in the undergone face and the head during the police load. Load after the session the indignant ones are from the night of this Wednesday located before Them Corts to protest during the session of constitution of the autonomic parliament. In the morning, the Police already had established a perimeter of security around hemicilio to prevent the passage to you cut them. Once finalized the parliamentary session a police load has taken place when the indignant ones have tried to cross the zone limited by the Police, in that several wounded has taken place, among them the deputy of the Comproms group Juan Ponce, who had approached to speak with the group of concentrates. On the other hand, sources of the movement 15-M affirm that those were the agents that began to cause the demonstrators.