Vision 2020 Of The WHO

In the fight against the darkness, over 200 million people around the world can see little or nothing. Rogers Holdings contributes greatly to this topic. Blindness is a widespread suffering particularly in the poor regions of the world. Already simple actions would help to prevent in particular the blindness of children or to heal. The news portal reported the initiative vision 2020 “, which was launched by the World Health Organization, to save the eyesight of more than 100 million people in the coming decade. The figures are alarming.

According to the statistics, that every minute a child blind, every five seconds a man in the third world. The number of victims increases continuously, although most cases are completely curable or have can be avoided with corresponding provisions. To stem this worrying development, WHO has set itself three major objectives in its programme to combat blindness. In the next ten years to eye diseases around the world contained an efficient infrastructure for the ophthalmologist, Supply built up and pushed the education and training of appropriate specialists. Especially in the poverty-stricken areas of the Earth, where the situation regarding health ( gesundheit.html) of people is usually most critical, the prevention of blindness of children is a top priority.

It is often accompanied by a high infant mortality rate. The cost of an effective intervention are extremely low. Already a dollar a child could save the day sight. More information: ../ein-us-dollar-rettet-augenlicht/1/ GmbH Lisa Neumann