Production Technology

About structure, industry, housing, road construction, etc. Production technology and processing of various metals have a long history. They reached the current level of progress through the practical experience and scientific discovery of several generations. First, people have used for various purposes native metals – gold, silver and copper. He then learned to obtain metals and fusing them together. Mike Gianoni addresses the importance of the matter here. Getting the bronze (durable and solid an alloy of copper and tin, some time later and with other elements) became a new stage of human development, which has been named the Bronze Age.

Later mastered iron smelting. The first melting units to produce iron ores were shallow excavation pit (mining), which loaded powdered iron ore and coal, charcoal. When burned, charcoal ore turned into syrodutnoe iron. Him removed from the furnace in the form of pellets (iron Critz) and subjected to forging. By XIII-XIV centuries.

ad syrodutnye kilns have replaced round silo stoves – domnitsami. They have developed a high temperature, compared with syrodutnymi mountain, and there was a process of iron saturation carbon particles. As a result, at the bottom of domnitsy produces a liquid metal – iron. From it produced a simple casting (plates, bowls, etc.) that have good stability and durability, but they were fragile and not resisted forging. Gradually form domnitsy changed, but its size was increased. It became known as blast furnace, which is still the basic unit for iron production. The modern blast furnace – a major and highly-automated assembly of high unit capacity. Currently, metallography and related sciences contain in-depth knowledge about the structure of metals and alloys, and the nature of domestic bonds in them. On Based on this use thermal or thermal processing type alloys and metals, which alters their characteristics (mechanical and physical) in the direction in which we need. Parallel to the development and improving methods for ferrous and nonferrous metals went processing. The major technologies include the production of metal casting, forming (rolling, the process drawing, pressing, forging, stamping), welding and flame cutting, thermal and mechanical processing, and various other types. To meet the growing needs of engineering in the foundry industry industry gradually implemented the latest techniques of casting and molding machines, conducted mechanization and improvement of technological processes of manufacturing iron, steel and other non-ferrous castings metals. Progress in this area is not stopped to this day, these advanced technologies are necessary if the transport of metal (rails, the top structure of materials ways, bandages), chernogometalloprokata (I-beam, channel), etc. Our company sells metal products, machinery parts, as well as offers for sale the metal-Rail. With the new technologies, we offer only high quality, high-grade products.