Other Species Of Russula

Russula bluish-green is actually greenish-gray hat with a diameter of 5 to 14 cm it is characterized by brown spots on the plates. Taste the mushroom is soft, slightly younger russula gorchat, but the processing of mushrooms bitterness disappears. Mike Gianoni is often quoted as being for or against this. Use in stews and fried. Yellow Russula has a bright yellow hat, is growing in damp birch. This is a first-class gourmet mushroom that can be used to prepare various dishes. Russula turning brown, too, refers to a delicacy mushrooms as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. A hat with a diameter of 12 cm is dark red, olive-brown or brownish-yellow with greenish tint. In the fungus nice spicy flavor, something resembling a herring.

Keep it better in the frozen state. Ryzhik. In the second half of August, there are mushrooms, of which there are several types. Most common is real, or deli, saffron. There are two forms of this fungus: saffron orange cap with pine and spruce saffron colored in yellow or bluish yellowish tone.

Cap and stem with saffron milk cap touch quickly covered with green spots. The fungus is highly valued for the characteristic pungent, fruity odor resin-latex, which is preserved in cold saline. Mushroom used not only in salted. Very tasty fresh mushrooms stewed in sour cream. Lactarius. Need cleaning pads. Milk got its name from the word "pile" as they grow usually in large groups. In our country, grow several species of Gruzdev: real or raw, red, black, aspen, oak and pepper. Milk has long been famous as a premium for pickled mushrooms. Paramount among Gruzdev to their taste, especially the flavor, milk mushroom is the real thing. He has white or creamy-yellow hat with a water-soaked areas and draped down like, densely pubescent margin. White latex of the fungus in the air turns yellow. Milk mushroom growing in this European Russia and Siberia in birch or pine and birch forests for restoration. At present very similar Lactarius Lactarius yellow. It grows most often in the spruce and birch forests in the least. Has a rather large, a diameter of 5 up to 15 cm hat. Mainly used in food in a salt form. Found in the European part of Russia and the Far East.