Occured to the extinguishing of the SIBRATER, continuous difficulties they had been imposed to the agricultural extension and the state companies of research in diverse States of the Federacy. Many of these companies had been extinct, transformed or casting as institutions of ' ' research and extenso' ' (Embrapa, 2003). The coordination of the remaining units of the system was, initially, delegated to the Embrapa. However, the demands of the different segments of producers, scarcity of public and diverse resources other challenges, had become necessary establishment of new priorities for the rational use of the institucional resources (Flowers, 1990). The comprometimento with these intentions was officialized with the launching of the preliminary edition of II the Managing Plan in 1992 e, in 1994, the version that started to determine the actions of the Company until the year of 1998. New model of transference Changes in the international paradigms of development, with repercussions in the internal environment, had determined the decision of if establishing new institucional structure and accomplishing strategical changes for the development (Embrapa, 1994).
These facts had determined the requirements of II the Managing Plan. The system was reformulated and adapted to the effective conditions, planned strategically in compliance with the present scene and the future scenes and centered technological standards in the demand. This demanded amount, quality, diversification and support in new technological decisions. In 1993 the System Embrapa de Planejamento – SEP is instituted, with approach in P& D. Knowledge, technology and its transformation in products and services. The process incorporated the demands of the users, customers and beneficiaries, election of with priority problems, generation of new ideas, evaluation of proposals, tests performance and the incorporation of the solutions in the systems of farming and agro-industrial production. The actions of transference and adoption of technologies, services and products and the generation of information on the performance of these processes had passed to be seen as inherent part of the process of P& D, constituting one of its stages.