The initial problem is based on the difficulty that the academics of the courses of Business administration have in accepting one discipline that he approaches the subject computer science in the grating of the course. This subject turns reason quarrel for the corridors, in wheels of colloquy, the lists of quarrel among others under the following subject: ' ' Which the reason of learning a substance so technique as this in the course of Administrao' '. Having for base that an administrator is the person who is to the front of the company and when takes literally it is ' ' the person whom she manages, dirige, governs (according to Aurlio dictionary) ' ' the company, this person does not have obligation to know specific details of computer science, a time that if imagines in positions of high level. Therefore if she deceives who thinks of this form, the basic idea of one disciplines as this is to show to the academics who the subject ' ' Informtica and TIC (Technology of the Information and Communication) are being each more common day in the social ways and all work areas, therefore, offer easinesses of use, agility, security and economy, beyond adding value the company propitiating the creation of new niches of mercado' '. A scholar said certain time that: ' ' Computer science was created to decide problems that before not existiam' '. Looking at for this angle the question to be answered now he would be ' ' Why an academic of the administration course superficially does not perceive that such information are an evident fact and that in the market of work of 21 century who not to know to work or the least to accept new technologies is? ' ' Independently of which it is the reason, perhaps for difficulty or due to chances who knows why it does not like or even though for if finding self-sufficient in the subject.