Israel Medicine recommends that all people over 35 undergo annual full survey. Diagnostic Check-Up program was developed in Israel for those who value their time and health. The survey lasts from 1 to 10 days Depending on the specifics and performed as an outpatient, and in steady state at the request of the patient. Diagnosis and Check-up survey in Israel – it's speed, comfort and confidence in the correctness of the diagnosis! Basic Survey: an outpatient, duration 2 – 3 days. Preliminary interviews with experts, medical history, the definition of the screening programs Extensive laboratory testing of blood (more than 50 parameters) study the performance of the liver, kidney, endocrine glands Laboratory testing of urine and feces Ultrasound ecg heart at rest and under stress echocardiography Testing of lung function at rest and under load Histology Ultrasonography of the abdomen Gastroscopy and recto-colonoscopy ultrasonography of prostate and bladder cancer Diagnosis of prostate cancer, reproductive disorders features and potency in men A blood test psa Ultrasound of the breast and pelvic ultrasound in women thyroid Survey backs and joints Ophthalmologic examination with measurement of ocular pressure Discussion of survey results with a specialist, if necessary, the appointment of medical and preventive measures. Expanded screening: an outpatient, the duration of 5 days. Therapeutic Survey: – Preliminary discussions with specialists, medical history, the definition of the diagnostic program – Extensive laboratory blood tests – ultrasound of the abdomen and the thyroid gland – Blood for tumor markers – X-ray light – Check gas exchange in lung function Cardiac examination: – ecg and under load – Echocardiography – a 24-hour monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure – Angiography, study of blood vessels Gastroenterological research: – Gastroscopy and recto-colonoscopy – A biopsy and histological examination of tissue samples – – endosonography – Tests for content Lactose and fructose Urological Survey: – Clinical examination specialist urologist – ultrasound of prostate and bladder – blood test psa – Various urine Gynecological Survey: – Clinical examination specialist gynecologist – Ultrasound of the breast and pelvis – Optical and X-ray mammography – smear-scraping – Urinalysis. Other tests: – A complete eye examination, consultation specialist ophthalmologist – Audiometry, consultation and inspection of Otolaryngology – Testing for allergic reactions, consultation allergist Discussion of survey results with a specialist, if necessary, appointment of medical and preventive measures..